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Combining Safety Belt and LATCH
Lower Anchors for Attaching Child
Safety Seats
When used in combination, either the
safety belt or the LATCH lower anchors
may be attached first, provided a proper
installation is achieved. Attach the tether
strap afterward, if included with the child
Using Tether Straps
Many forward-facing child safety
seats include a tether strap
which extends from the back of
the child safety seat and hooks to an
anchoring point called the top tether
anchor. Tether straps are available as an
accessory for many older safety seats.
Contact the manufacturer of your child
seat for information about ordering a
tether strap, or to obtain a longer tether
strap if the tether strap on your safety seat
does not reach the appropriate top tether
anchor in your vehicle.
Once the child safety seat has been
installed using either the safety belt, the
lower anchors of the LATCH system, or
both, you can attach the top tether strap.
The tether strap anchors in your vehicle
are in the following positions (shown from
top view):
Perform the following steps to install a
child safety seat with tether anchors:
Note: If you install a child seat with rigid
LATCH attachments, do not tighten the
tether strap enough to lift the child seat off
your vehicle seat cushion when the child is
seated in it. Keep the tether strap just snug
without lifting the front of the child seat.
Keeping the child seat just touching your
vehicle seat gives the best protection in a
severe crash.
Four Door
The tether anchors in your vehicle are
located under a cover marked with the
tether anchor symbol.
1. Route the child safety seat tether strap
over the back of the seat. For outboard
seating positions, route the tether strap
under the head restraint and between
the head restraint posts. For the center
seating positions, route the tether strap
over the top of the head restraint. If
needed, the head restraints can also
be removed.
2. Locate the correct anchor for the
selected seating position, then open
the tether anchor cover.
Fiesta (CCT)
Child Safety

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta 2014

Ford Fiesta 2014 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 288 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 346 pagina's

Ford Fiesta 2014 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 445 pagina's

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