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Accessing the features of your media menu
SYNC’s media menu allows you to select which source you would like to
listen to, how you would like to play your music (by artist, genre, shuffle,
repeat, etc.), and also if you need to add, connect or delete devices.
To access your media menu:
1. Press AUX and then MENU.
2. When Media Player Menu is selected, press OK.
3. Scroll to cycle through the following features:
Play Menu : Allows you to play your music by artist, album, genre,
playlists, tracks, similar music or to simply, play all. You can also choose
to Explore USB to view the supported digital music files on your playing
Refer to Play Menu later in this section for more information.
Select Source: Allows you to select and play music from your USB port,
auxiliary input jack (line in) or stream music from your Bluetooth
enabled phone. Press OK to select and then scroll to choose from:
*USB: Press OK to access music plugged into your USB port.
SYNC will also allow you to plug in devices to charge them (if
supported by your device).
Bluetooth Audio: This is a phone dependent feature which
allows you to stream music playing on your Bluetooth enabled
phone. If supported by your device, you can press
access the previous/next track.
Line in: Press OK to select and play music from your portable
music player over the vehicle’s speakers. Note: If you have already
connected a device to the USB port, you cannot access the line in
feature. Some digital media players require both USB and Line in
ports to stream data and music separately.
* Once connected, SYNC will index any readable media files. (The
time required to complete this depends on the size of the media
content being indexed.) If Autoplay is on, you can access media
files randomly as they are indexed. If turned off, indexed media is
not available until the indexing process is complete. SYNC is
capable of indexing thousands of average size media and will notify
you if the maximum indexing file size is reached.
Entertainment Systems
2012 Fiesta (fie)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 236 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 13 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 238 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 422 pagina's

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