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Safety information
WARNING: Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle
control, accident and injury. Ford strongly recommends that
drivers use extreme caution when using any device that may take their
focus off the road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operation of
the vehicle. We recommend against the use of any handheld device
while driving, encourage the use of voice-operated systems when
possible and that you become aware of applicable state and local laws
that may affect use of electronic devices while driving.
Do not attempt to service or repair SYNC. See your authorized dealer.
Do not operate playing devices if the power cords and/or cables are
broken, split or damaged. Carefully place cords and/or cables where
they will not be stepped on or interfere with the operation of pedals,
seats and/or compartments, or safe driving abilities.
Do not leave playing devices in the vehicle in extreme conditions as it
could cause damage to your device. Refer to your device’s user guide
for further information.
Ensure that you review your device’s user guide before using with SYNC.
Privacy information
When a cellular phone is connected to SYNC, SYNC creates a profile
within your vehicle that is linked to that cellular phone. This profile is
created in order to offer you more cellular features and to operate more
efficiently. Among other things, this profile may contain data about your
cellular phone book, text messages (read and unread), and call history,
including history of calls when your cell phone was not connected to
SYNC. In addition, if you connect a media device, SYNC creates and
retains an index of media content supported by SYNC. SYNC also
records a short development log of approximately 10 minutes of all
recent SYNC activity. The log profile and other SYNC data may be
used to improve SYNC and help diagnose any problems that may occur.
The cellular profile, media device index, and development log will remain
in the vehicle unless you delete it and are generally accessible only in
the vehicle when the cellular phone or media player is connected. If you
no longer plan to use SYNC or the vehicle, we recommend you perform
a Master Reset to erase all information stored in SYNC.
SYNC data cannot be accessed without special equipment and access to
the vehicle’s SYNC module. Ford Motor Company and Ford of Canada will
not access SYNC data for any purpose other than as described absent
Entertainment Systems
2012 Fiesta (fie)
Owners Guide, 1st Printing
USA (fus)

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 236 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 13 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 238 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford Fiesta - feb 2012 - nov 2012 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 422 pagina's

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