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The display will indicate there is an
incoming announcement, during news
broadcasts. When the audio unit interrupts
for a news broadcast the preset volume
level will be the same as traffic
1. Press the MENU button.
3. Scroll to NEWS and turn on or off with
the OK button.
4. Press the MENU button to return.
Alternative Frequencies
The majority of programs that broadcast
on the FM waveband have a program
identification code, it can be recognized by
audio units.
When your vehicle moves from one
transmission area to another with the
alternative frequencies tuning switched
on, this function will search for the
strongest station signal.
Under certain conditions, alternative
frequencies tuning may temporarily disrupt
normal reception.
When selected, the unit continually
evaluates signal strength and, if a better
signal becomes available, the unit will
switch to that alternative. It mutes while
it checks a list of alternative frequencies
and if necessary, it will search once across
the selected waveband for a genuine
alternative frequency.
It will restore radio reception when it finds
one or if one is not found, the unit will
return to the original stored frequency.
When selected, AF will be shown in the
1. Press the MENU button.
3. Scroll to ALTERNAT FREQ. or
ALTERNATIVE FREQ. and turn on or
off with the OK button.
4. Press the MENU button to return.
Regional Mode
Regional mode controls the behavior of
alternative frequencies switching between
regionally related networks of a parent
broadcaster. A broadcaster may run a fairly
large network across a large part of the
country. At various times of the day this
large network may be broken down into a
number of smaller regional networks,
typically centered on major towns or cities.
When the network is not split into regional
variants, the whole network carries the
same programming.
Regional mode ON: This prevents random
alternative frequency switches when
neighboring regional networks are not
carrying the same programming.
Regional mode OFF: This allows a larger
coverage area if neighboring regional
networks are carrying the same
programming, but can cause random
alternative frequency switches if they are
1. Press the MENU button.
3. Scroll to RDS REGIONAL and turn on
or off with the OK button.
4. Press the MENU button to return.
B-MAX (CB2) Vehicles Built From: 25-06-2012, Vehicles Built Up To: 31-12-2013
Audio System

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 314 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 326 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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