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19. Attach the kit and read the tire
pressure from the pressure gauge E.
20. Adjust it to the specified pressure.
See Technical Specifications
(page 183).
21. Once you have inflated the tire to its
correct tire pressure, move the
compressor switch G to position 0,
remove the power plug F from the
socket, unscrew the hose C and
fasten the valve cap.
22. Leave hose C and H connected to the
sealant bottle B and store the kit
away safely.
23. Go to the nearest tire specialist to get
the damaged tire replaced. Before
the tire is removed from the rim,
inform your tire dealer that the tire
contains sealant. You must renew the
sealant bottle B and hose C as soon
as possible once used.
Note: Remember that the kit only provides
temporary mobility. Regulations concerning
tire repair after using the kit may differ from
country to country. You should consult a tire
specialist for advice.
Before driving, make sure the tire is
adjusted to the recommended
inflation pressure. See Technical
Specifications (page 183). You must,
monitor the tire pressure until the sealed
tire is replaced.
Empty sealant bottles can be disposed of
together with normal household waste.
Return remains of sealant to an authorized
dealer or dispose of it in compliance with
local waste disposal regulations.
To make sure the front and rear tires of
your vehicle wear evenly and last longer,
we recommend that you swap the tires
from front to rear and vice versa at regular
intervals of between 3000 and 6000 miles
(5000 and 10000 kilometers).
Do not scrub the sidewalls of the
tires when you are parking.
If you have to mount a curb, do so slowly
and approach it with the wheels at
right-angles to the curb.
Examine the tires regularly for cuts, foreign
objects and uneven wear of the tread.
Uneven wear could mean that the wheel
alignment is outside specification.
Check the tire pressures (including the
spare) when cold, every two weeks.
When you use winter tires on your
vehicle, you must make sure that you
use the correct lug nuts.
If winter tires are used, you must make sure
that you use the correct tire pressures. See
Technical Specifications (page 183).
B-MAX (CB2) Vehicles Built From: 25-06-2012, Vehicles Built Up To: 31-12-2013
Wheels and Tires

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 314 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 326 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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