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A decal with tire pressure data is located
in the drivers door opening.
Check and set the tire pressure at the
ambient temperature in which you are
intending to drive your vehicle and when
the tires are cold.
Note: Check your tire pressures regularly to
optimize fuel economy.
Note: Use only approved wheel and tire
sizes. Using other sizes could damage your
vehicle and will make the National Type
Approval invalid.
Note: If you change the diameter of the tires
from that fitted at the factory, the
speedometer may not display the correct
speed. Take your vehicle to an authorized
dealer to have the engine management
system reprogrammed.
Note: If you intend to change the size of the
wheels from that fitted at the factory, check
the suitability with an authorized dealer.
Your vehicle may not have a spare tire.
Therefore you will have a temporary
mobility kit which will only repair one
damaged tire.
The kit is located in the spare wheel well.
General Information
Depending on the type and extent of
tire damage, some tires can only be
partially sealed or not sealed at all.
Loss of tire pressure can affect vehicle
handling, leading to loss of vehicle control.
Do not use the kit on a previously
damaged tire, for example when it
has been driven under inflated.
Do not use the kit on run flat tires.
Do not try to seal damage to the
tires sidewall.
The kit seals most tire punctures [with a
diameter of up to ¼ inch (six millimeters)]
to temporarily restore mobility.
You must observe the following rules when
using the kit:
Drive with caution and avoid making
sudden steering or driving manoeuvres,
especially if your vehicle is heavily
laden or you are towing a trailer.
The kit will provide you with an
emergency temporary repair, enabling
you to continue your journey to the next
vehicle or tire dealer, or to drive a
maximum distance of 125 miles
(200 kilometers).
Do not exceed a maximum speed of
50 mph (80 km/h).
Keep the kit out of the reach of
Only use the kit when the ambient
temperature is between -40°F
(40°C) and +158°F (+70°C).
Using the Kit
Compressed air can act as an
explosive or propellant.
Never leave the kit unattended while
in use.
Do not keep the compressor
operating for more than 10 minutes.
You must only use the kit for the
vehicle with which it was supplied.
B-MAX (CB2) Vehicles Built From: 25-06-2012, Vehicles Built Up To: 31-12-2013
Wheels and Tires

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 19 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 314 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 326 pagina's

Ford B-Max - juni 2012 - dec 2013 Snelstart handleiding - English - 17 pagina's

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