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- Slot the two plastic sections of the buckle connectors together Fig 1
- Slot the two connectors into the hole in the top of the buckle until they “click” into place
Fig 2
- Always check that the harness is correctly locked by pulling above and below the buckle Fig 3
- The harness should be adjusted as tightly as possible without causing discomfort to the
child. A loose harness is dangerous and should be checked each time that you use the seat.
To tighten the harness, pull down on the adjustment strap (3) until the harness is the correct
tightness Fig. 4
- The harness is loosened by pulling on both straps at the same time press down on the harness
adjuster that is located on the shell underneath the “Press” (2) word stitched on the cover
Fig. 5
To release the harness, push the red button in the middle of the harness buckle inwards.
You can now lift your child from the seat; ensure that the buckle connectors do not catch on
Before you install the car seat, it is very important that you make sure the shoulder straps are
at the right height for your child. They should be level or just below your child’s shoulders.
The harness has 2 positions Fig.6, Fig.7, Fig.8.
Winter/Summer clothing can a make a dierence to the size of your child.
Place the car seat on a level oor surface with the handle in the stable position see text The
handle position.
Place your child in the car seat and identify the correct shoulder position.
Remove your child from the car seat.
Slacken the shoulder straps by pressing the harness release button (1) at the same time,
pulling both shoulder straps forward with your other hand (2) Fig.9.
Press the red release button (3) and unhook the harness.
Remove the shoulder straps from the small seat, cover and chassis in plastic, by pulling each
shoulder strap, including buckle, through its corresponding slot Fig.10.
Do not remove the shoulder straps from the loop of the harness adjuster strap.
Insert the shoulder straps into the chosen slots, passing through the slots of the chassis in
plastic at rst, then through the cover and at last the small seat Fig.11 Fig.12.
The harness has 2 positions. The straps should be put into the nearest slots above the shoulders
of the child.
Make sure that there are no twists of the webbing and that the shoulder straps are correctly
inserted in the loop of the harness adjuster strap Fig.11, Fig.13.
Now place your child in the car seat and check that the shoulder straps are in the correct
position for your child’s shoulder Fig.14.
This car seat can only be tted into the passenger seat of a car with a lap and diagonal seat
belt and no air bag.

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