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Check the carrycot regularly and make sure that there are no damaged or worn parts. Replace the carrycot if there are
damaged parts.
The fabric parts can be washed following the instrucons on the washing label.
Clean the fabric with water, a mild soap and a sponge.
Never use abrasive or ammonia, bleach or white spirit-based cleaning products.
Clean the fabric with a brush rather than washing it.
Do not store the product if it is sll wet and do not leave it in humid environments since mildew may form.
Store the product in a dry place.
Protect the product against weather agents, water, rain or snow; moreover, connuous and prolonged exposure to
sunlight can cause changes in the colour of many materials.
It is recommended to wash the lining separately from other items.
Follow the lining washing instrucons on the labels.
Dry the texle lining completely before using or storing it.
To prevent formaon of mildew, it is advisable to air the carrycot periodically.
Removing the fabric:
Release the support brackets from the clips.
Unhook the Velcro and li up the fabric along the side on the inside.
Detach the press studs along the top edge and remove the metal frame from the fabric.
To remove the rigid boom from the fabric, unscrew the screws with a tool and remove the support feet.
Remove the panel from the fabric.o
Replacing the fabric:
If removed, insert the panel into the pocket on the fabric boom and secure the 5 feet by ghtening the screws. Make
sure that the panel is inserted correctly. The side with the clips further away from the short side is the head side.
Place the metal ring inside the fabric.
Aach the press studs to the frame and fold the fabric, wrapping up the metal ring, from the outside to the inside.
Fold the fabric along the inner side and aach the Velcro on the boom.
Place the maress inside the carrycot (g. 17).

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