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Tips for Successful Vacuum Packaging
For more usage tips and safety information, please refer to the FoodSaver Reference Guide or visit our website at www .foodsav er.com.
Make sure appliance lid is securely latched.
When making a bag from a roll, place bag material on
Sealing Strip
(L), close lid and make sure to use the
(E) to lock lid. Then press Seal Button (U).
Prevent moisture or liquid from being pulled
into the Vacuum Channel
(J) or trapped in the
Either pre-freeze moist food such as raw meat for
1-2 hours before vacuum packaging, or place a folded
paper towel between food and end of bag to absorb
excess liquids. Just be sure to leave at least 3 inches
between paper towel and end of bag so that bag seals
properly with paper towel inside.
Make sure appliance has time to cool down.
Wait at least 20 seconds between seals. If appliance is
engaged prior to 20 seconds from last use, the error
light will flash. Under very heavy usage, appliance will
shut off automatically to prevent overheating. If it does,
wait 20 minutes to allow appliance to cool off.
Use the PulseVac Control feature to manually control
the vacuum process and avoid crushing delicate items.
1. Place item(s) in bag, allowing at least 3 inches of
space between bag contents and top of bag.
2. Open appliance lid and place open end of bag into
Vacuum Channel
(J). Close lid and use Latch (E) to lock.
3. Press appropriate Food Setting Button (N) Moist or Dry.
4. Press appropriate Speed Setting Button (P). For best
results, choose either
Gentle or Normal Speed setting.
You can change speed settings between pushes of
the Pulse Button if you wish.
5. Push and hold the Pulse Button (R). The vacuum
will run as long as the Pulse Button is held down.
Release the Pulse Button to stop the vacuum
process. Repeat pushing the Pulse Button until
desired amount of air has been removed.
6. Press Seal Button (U) to seal the bag and end
Pulse mode.
7. When the Progress Lights (T) turn off, unlock Latch,
lift lid and remove bag. Refrigerate or freeze if needed.
Tips on Removing Air from a Bag
Make sure appliance lid is securely latched.
When vacuuming and sealing a bag, make sure the
(E) is in the locked position.
Check for wrinkles in the bag along the Sealing
. Wrinkles in seal may cause leakage and allow
air to come back into bag. Check for wrinkles in bag
along Sealing Strip
(L) before closing lid and vacuum
packaging. If you find wrinkles after sealing bag, simply
cut bag open and vacuum package again.
If motor runs for more than 30 seconds without
consider the following: If vacuum packaging
with a bag, make sure open end is placed down inside
Vacuum Channel
(J) and make sure Accessory Hose (A)
is not attached. If vacuum packaging with an accessory,
check Accessory Hose in appliance lid and in accessory
to ensure a tight fit.
Tips on Storage
To utilize flip-up storage:
Close the lid.
2. Turn Latch (E) halfway to secure for storage
(the halfwa
y position locks appliance lid for storage
without compressing the foam gasket and creating
y wear and tear).
3. Push and hold Release Button (C) on the right side
4. R
aise the front of appliance until its in the upright
position and it clicks.
5. Let go of
the Release Button.
6. When ready to use again, press Release Button and
lower fr
ont of
3 4
Tips on Sealing a Bag
Tips on Using PulseVac
Control Feature

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