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If any part is found to be defective due to faulty
manufacture the guarantee period, Husqvarna UK Ltd.,
through its Authorised Service Repairers will effect the
repair or replacement to the customer free of charge
(a) The fault is reported directly to the Authorised
(b) Proof of purchase is provided.
(c) The fault is not caused by misuse, neglect or faulty
adjustment by the user.
(d) The failure has not occurred through fair wear and
(e) The machine has not been serviced or repaired,
taken apart or tampered with by any person not
authorised by Husqvarna UK Ltd..
(f) The machine has not been used for hire.
(g) The machine is owned by the original purchaser.
(h) The machine has not been used commercially.
* This guarantee is additional to, and in no way
diminishes the customers statutory rights.
Failures due to the following are not covered, therefore it
is important that you read the instructions contained in
this Operator's Manual and understand how to operate
and maintain your machine:
Failures not covered by guarantee
* Failures as a result of not reporting an initial fault.
* Failures as a result of sudden impact.
* Failures as a result of not using the product in
accordance with the instructions and
recommendations contained in this Operator's Manual.
* Machines used for hire are not covered by this
* The following items listed are considered as wearing
parts and their life is dependent on regular
maintenance and are, therefore not normally subject
to a valid warranty claim: Blades.
* Caution!
Husqvarna UK Ltd. does not accept liability under the
warranty for defects caused in whole or part, directly or
indirectly by the fitting of replacement parts or additional
parts that are not either manufactured or approved by
Husqvarna UK Ltd., or by the machine having been
modified in any way
Service Recomendations
Your product is uniquely identified by a silver and black product rating label.
We strongly recommend that your product is serviced at least every twelve months, more often in a professional application.
Environmental Information
Awareness of the environment must be considered
when disposing of ʻend-of-lifeʼ product.
If necessary, contact your local authority for disposal
This product contains a NiCd battery and should not
be discarded with normal household waste at the end
of its life.
The battery must be removed from the product before
The battery should be disposed of safely.
Do NOT dispose of used battery with household waste.
Do NOT dispose of battery to water.
NiCd batteries can be harmful and should be
disposed of through the recognised recycling facility
in accordance with European Regulations.
Do NOT incinerate.
The symbol on the product or on its packaging
indicates that this product may not be treated as
household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more
detailed information about recycling of this product,
please contact your local council office, your household
waste disposal service or the shop where you
purchased the product.
Battery Care
1. If over a period of time the battery quickly runs down
after a full 5-6 hour charging period, a replacement
battery is needed.
2. There will be some charge present in the battery but
to ensure maximum running time, recharge your
product for 5-6 hours before use.
3. To prevent permanent battery damage, never store in
a discharged condition.
4. Contact your local approved service
centre/dealer/distributor for a replacement battery and
for safe disposal of your old battery.
5. Battery
18 Volt 1.7 Amp/Hour "High Power"
No maintenance required
Winter Storage
1. Fully charge for 5-6 hours before winter storage.
2. Avoid extended storage without re-charge.
3. Store in a cool dry place.
Charging the Battery
Initial Charging Procedure
1. Use the charger indoors only.
2. Ensure the charger is not exposed to moisture.
3. Plug the charger (B1) into a suitable household
electrical wall socket and switch on.
4. The red indicator lamp (C1) glows continuously
during charging.
5. Full charge will be achieved in 5-6 hours. During
charging the charger becomes warm. This is normal
and means the charger is operating correctly.
Re-Charging Your Product
1. Re-charge the battery as soon as the cutting power
of your product begins to die and slow down.
2. Avoid running the product into "deep" discharge, i.e.
avoid flattening the battery completely.
3. Follow the procedure outlined in the Initial
Charging Procedure.
4. Charging the battery according to these instructions
should ensure maximum battery life.
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