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Proving Unit
Instruction Sheet
The PRV240FS Proving Unit (the Product) is an
electronic voltage source. This Product provides
a safe and easy method to verify proper operation
of the T6-600/T6-1000 Electrical Tester with
FieldSense technology or other test tools. Use
it to verify either an energized source or a de-
energized source. Also use it in cases where no
known voltage source is available to verify a test
The Product does not require personal protective
equipment (PPE) unless your environment
requires minimal PPE such as a hard hat, safety
glasses, or ear plugs.
How to Contact Fluke
To contact Fluke, call one of the following
telephone numbers:
Technical Support USA: 1-800-44-FLUKE
Calibration/Repair USA: 1-888-99-FLUKE
Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)
Europe: +31 402-675-200
Japan: +81-3-6714-3114
China: +86-400-921-0835
Singapore: +65-6799-5566
Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500
Or, visit Fluke's website at www.uke.com.
To register your product, visit
To view, print, or download the latest manual
supplement, visit
A Warning identies conditions and procedures
that are dangerous to the user.
 Warning
To prevent possible electrical shock, re,
or personal injury:
Read all safety information before you
use the Product.
Carefully read all instructions.
Do not alter the Product and use only as
specied, or the protection supplied by
the Product can be compromised.
Do not touch voltages >30 V ac rms,
42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc.
Do not use the Product around
explosive gas, vapor, or in damp or wet
PN 4919689 September 2017
© 2017 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Product specications are subject to change without notice.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Do not use the Product if it operates
Examine the case before you use the
Product. Look for cracks or missing
plastic. Carefully look at the insulation
around the terminals.
Do not use the Product if it is altered or
Remove the batteries if the Product is
not used for an extended period of time,
or if stored in temperatures above 50 °C.
If the batteries are not removed, battery
leakage can damage the Product.
You must close and lock the battery
door before you operate the Product.
Symbols used in the instructions or on the Product
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Symbols
Symbol Denition
Consult user documentation.
Risk of electric shock.
FieldSense Measurement: Fluke
voltage/current sensing technique.
Certied by CSA Group to North
American safety standards.
Conforms to relevant Australian EMC
Conforms to European Union directives.
Conforms to relevant South Korean EMC
This product complies with the WEEE
Directive marking requirements. The
afxed label indicates that you must not
discard this electrical/electronic product
in domestic household waste. Product
Category: With reference to the equipment
types in the WEEE Directive Annex I,
this product is classed as category 9
"Monitoring and Control Instrumentation"
product. Do not dispose of this product as
unsorted municipal waste.
Table 2 is a list of the controls and interface of
the Product. See Figure 1 for the location of each
Table 2. Product Overview
Item Description
AFunction selection
B+ Terminal
D Terminal
ETest Lead Ground Contact
FTest Lead Ground Contact LED
GFork saddle
HFinger Ground Contact LED
IFinger Ground Contact
FieldSense Measurement without Test Lead
Before verication, set up the T6 for a FieldSense
measurement without the test leads. See the
T6 Quick Reference Guide.
To verify measurement:
1. Move the switch to the FieldSense position.
See Figure 3.
2. Insert the T6 fork into position on the Product.
3. Push and hold the nger ground contact to
activate the Product.
The Product LED turns green and the T6
display shows a 240 V measurement.
FieldSense Measurement with Ground Lead
Before verication, set up the T6 for a FieldSense
measurement with the ground lead. See the
T6 Quick Reference Guide.
To verify measurement:
1. Move the switch to the FieldSense position.
See Figure 4.
2. Insert the T6 fork into position on the Product.
3. Place the black test lead from the test tool
into the test lead ground contact terminal and
press down rmly.
The Product LED turns green and the T6
display shows a 240 V measurement.
AC/DC Measurement
Before verication, set up the T6 or other test tool
for ac/dc measurement with the test leads.
To verify measurement:
1. Move the switch to the AC or DC position.
See Figure 5.
2. Place the red test lead from the test tool into
the (+) terminal and press down rmly.
3. Place the black test lead from the test tool
into the (-) terminal and press down rmly.
The Product LED turns green and the T6
display shows a 240 V measurement.
Battery Replacement
Push the nger ground contact button to check the
battery condition. The nger ground contact LED
turns green to show good battery condition. If the
LED does not turn on, replace the batteries.
 Warning
To prevent possible electrical shock, re, or
personal injury:
Do not operate the Product with covers
removed or the case open. Hazardous
voltage exposure is possible.
Repair the Product before use if the battery
Have an approved technician repair the
To replace the batteries:
1. Turn the battery-door latch until the unlock
symbol aligns with the arrow. See Figure 2.
2. Lift off the battery door.
3. Insert or replace the four AA batteries. Use
the correct battery orientation.
4. Install the battery door.
5. Turn the battery-door latch until the locked
symbol aligns with the arrow.
Output voltage
240 V ac rms or dc ........... ±10 % 1 MΩ
LED power indicator ......... Turns on when output voltage is
Battery ................................... 4 x AA Alkaline batteries NEDA
15 A IEC LR6
Battery life ............................. 3 hr based on a 10 s test cycle or
1100 tests
Operating temperature ..... -10 °C to +50 °C
Operating humidity ........... 0 % to 90 % (0 °C to 35 °C)
0 % to 70 % (35 °C to 55 °C)
Operating altitude ............. 2000 m
Dimensions ....................... 11.7 cm x 7.4 cm x 4.5 cm
(4.6 in x 2.9 in x 1.75 in)
Weight ................................ 0.32 kg (12 oz) includes batteries
General ............................ IEC 61010-1, Pollution Degree 2
Measurement ................... IEC 61010-2-030
240 Vrms/240 Vdc
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
International ...................... IEC 61326-1: Controlled
Electromagnetic Environment
CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A
Group 1: Equipment has intentionally generated and/or uses
conductively-coupled radio frequency energy that is necessary
for the internal function of the equipment itself.
Class A: Equipment is suitable for use in all establishments
other than domestic and those directly connected to a low-
voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used
for domestic purposes. There may be potential difculties in
ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments
due to conducted and radiated disturbances.
Caution: This equipment is not intended for use in residential
environments and may not provide adequate protection to
radio reception in such environments.
Emissions that exceed the levels required by CISPR 11 can
occur when the equipment is connected to a test object.
Korea (KCC) ....................... Class A Equipment (Industrial
Broadcasting & Communication
Class A: Equipment meets requirements for industrial
electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user
should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in
business environments and not to be used in homes.
USA (FCC) .......................... 47 CFR 15 subpart B. This
product is considered an exempt
device per clause 15.103.
This Fluke product will be free from defects in material
and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase.
This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries,
or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration,
contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or
handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other
warranty on Fluke’s behalf. To obtain service during the
warranty period, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service
center to obtain return authorization information, then send
the product to that Service Center with a description of the
ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since some states or countries
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty
or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of
liability may not apply to you.
Fluke Corporation Fluke Europe B.V.
P.O. Box 9090 P.O. Box 1186
Everett, WA 98206-9090 5602 BD Eindhoven
U.S.A. The Netherlands
Fluke Corporation certies this Product was tested and
veried with applicable calibration procedures during the
manufacturing process. Fluke’s quality system controls these
The instruments used during the testing and calibration of
this Product are traceable to SI units through internationally
recognized measurement standards.
This document is not a certicate of calibration or traceability.
To obtain a certicate of calibration contact the nearest
Fluke service center to process an order to have your
Product returned for calibration. A nominal fee is charged for
calibration service.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Fluke PRV240FS

Fluke PRV240FS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Fluke PRV240FS Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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