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or worn. Avoid bodily contact
with grounded parts (e.g. metal
fences, metal post).
The coupling of the extension
cord must be protected against
splashed water, it must consist
of rubber or be surrounded by
rubber. Employ only extension
cords which are stipulated for
use in the open air and are
marked accordingly. The ex-
ible lead cross-section of the
extension cord must at least
2.5 mm
. Always roll out the ca-
ble drum completely before use.
Check the cable for damage.
Use the tension relief provided for
the xing of the extension cord.
Do not allow other persons to
touch the device or the exten-
sion cord. Keep the device
away from persons, particularly
children and domestic animals.
Do not turn on the device if it is
upside down or is not in work-
ing position.
Avoid starting accidentally. Ensure
that the device is switched off
before connecting to the power
supply, picking up, or carrying.
If you have a nger on the switch
whilst carrying the device or con-
nect the device to the power sup-
ply whilst it is switched on, this
may cause accidents.
Do not point the device when
it is working at persons, in
particular, do not point the air-
stream at eyes and ears.
While working, make sure that
you are standing in a rm posi-
tion – especially when you are
on a slope. Always hold the de-
vice with both hands and work
only with correctly adjusted
shoulder carrying strap.
Do not stretch the body too far
and ensure that balance is main-
Keep ngers and feet away
from the suction tube opening
and impeller wheel. There is a
danger of injury.
Do not work with the device if
you are tired or lack concentra-
tion or after the consumption of
alcohol or tablets. Always take
time out for a break. Work at a
reasonable pace. Move slowly;
do not run.
Long use of the equipment can
result in vibration-related circu-
latory disorders in the hands.
However, the length of use can
be extended by using suitable
gloves or taking regular breaks.
Do not use the device in the
rain, in bad weather or in a
moist environment. Work in
daylight or under good articial
Do not vacuum any burning,
smouldering or smoking materi-
als (e.g. cigarettes, embers etc.),
fumes or easily inammable, poi-
sonous or explosive materials.
Remove the plug from the plug
- when you are not using the de-
- transporting it or leaving it un-
- when you are checking the
device, cleaning it or removing

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