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FlinQ LED Iceman light
Thank you for purchasing this FlinQ LED Iceman Light!
Please fully charge this device before use!
It takes about 3hours to fully charge it. The LED indicator will flash during charging and stays on when fully charged. The battery
supports portable use for 20 hours under warm yellow light and 15 hours under RGB 7 color changing mode. If no action is
done the light will switch off automatically after 2 hours to save the battery power.
Please read this user manual completely before using the device and save it for the future.
1.Iceman Silicone body
2.Micro-USB charge/power input
3.Power on/off button
4.LED indicator
Input: 5V/1A
Body material: Silicone
Type of built-in battery: Li-ion
Battery capacity: 1200mAh/4.44Wh
MAX power*:up to 0.15W(white) / up to 0.3W(color)
Working time: up to 20 hours(white) max / up to 15 hours(color) max
Lifetime LED: Up to 30000 hours
*brightness may decrease during operation as battery discharges. Maximum brightness achieved when the battery is fully charged!
1.Turn off the LED lamp
2.Plug your Iceman LED Lamp into your PCS USB port or a wall USB charger(not supplied, you can use it from any
smartphone/tablet device) with the USB charging cable(supplied)
3. LED indicator blinks red while charging. When LED indicator stops blinking, the charging is complete
Power ON/OFF:
Short press the power button to turn on. Press power button again to turn off. If there isn’t any action, Iceman LED
lamp will automatically turn off in 2 hours
Mode 1 activates when the power is on. To change operating modes tap hard on the device’s body or take it by the
hand and put it down again on a table or desk to change it.
Operating modes:
Mode 1: Device continuously turns white
Mode 2: Gradient change of colors: white-blue-red-green-purple-light blue-orange
Mode 3: Device continuously gives the color selected in mode 2

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