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Please read me – as I could save your life.
NOTE: This User Manual is available in
larger text please call 0800 141 2561
The First Alert CO-FA-9B Carbon Monoxide
Poisonous Gas Alarm is one of a new generation
of domestic life safety products from Sprue
Safety Products Limited, which combines the
latest technology and innovative design to
provide an aesthetically pleasing and effective
contribution to your home safety.
Sprue Safety Products Ltd manufactures some
of the most technologically advanced carbon
monoxide detectors in the world.
 
designed to accurately measure low levels
of carbon monoxide (CO) providing an early
warning of toxic CO levels in your home
 
 
household contaminants
 
alert you in case of an emergency
 
 
operating correctly
 
 
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
 
hundreds of people each year and injures many
   
it has no odour or taste and cannot be seen.
     
lungs during the normal breathing process. It
competes with oxygen by replacing it in the red
blood cells, thereby reducing the flow of oxygen
to the heart, brain and other vital organs. In high
Many cases of reported carbon monoxide
poisoning indicate that while victims are
aware they are not feeling well, they become
disorientated and unable to save themselves
by either exiting the building or calling for
assistance. Exposure during sleep is particularly
dangerous because the victim usually does not
Symptoms of CO poisoning
The following symptoms may be related to CO
poisoning which all household members should
be made aware of:
 
vomiting, fatigue (often described as
 
headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast
heart rate
 
convulsions, cardiorespiratory failure, death
Your First Alert CO detector monitors the level of
CO as parts per million (ppm) in the atmosphere
surrounding the detector.
The maximum allowable concentration for
continuous exposure for healthy adults in
       
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Slight headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea after
       
     
    
Should you suspect CO may be affecting you or
your family, open the doors and windows of your
property to ventilate, turn off your appliances
and evacuate the premises. At this time the
authorities should be contacted to locate the
source of the carbon monoxide before re-
entering the building. Medical attention should
be sought for anyone suffering the effects of CO
poisoning (headache, nausea).
Common sources of CO
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
WARNING: This First Alert carbon monoxide
detector is not a combustible gas detector,
detectors to detect combustible gases, or
This CO detector should not be seen as a
substitute for the proper installation, use,
and maintenance of fuel-burning appliances
(including appropriate ventilation and exhaust
systems), nor the sweeping of chimneys.
WARNING: : Variables relating to your fuel
burning appliances can change at any point
eg. the flue or chimney could suddenly
stop running correctly or circumstances in
neighbouring properties may change resulting in
the presence of carbon monoxide. For this and
other reasons do not use this carbon monoxide
detector on an intermittent basis, or as a
portable detector for trying to trace one source
of the spillage of combustion products from fuel
burning appliances or from chimney.
Do not:
 
 
tent or cabin
 
and expertise
 
 
 
 
appliance off
 
testing laboratory
 
 
professionals (for gas appliances engineers
should be registered)
 
 
professionally every year
 
burning appliances
 
 
 
 
      
This CO alarm is suitable for use in domestic
premises (caravan holiday homes), caravans
and motor caravans.
The following advice is applicable to all intended
applications, there are special instructions at
the end of this section relating to positioning
in caravan holiday homes, caravans and motor
WARNING: This detector will only indicate the
presence of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor.
Carbon monoxide gas may be present in other
In which room should the detector be
Ideally, an apparatus should be installed in
every room containing a fuel burning appliance.
Additional apparatus may be installed to ensure
that adequate warning is given for occupants in
other rooms, by locating apparatus in:
 
and from which they may not be able hear
an alarm from apparatus in another part
of the premises, and
 
However, if there is a fuel burning appliance
in more than one room and the number of
apparatus is limited, the following points should
be considered when deciding where best to put
the apparatus:
 
a flueless or open-flued appliance, and
 
occupant(s) spend most time
 
single room serving as both sitting and
bedroom) then the apparatus should
as possible but near to where the person
 
used (for example a boiler room), the
apparatus should be put just outside the
room so that the alarm may be heard
more easily.
Apparatus located in the same room as a fuel-
burning appliance:
A For both wall and ceiling mounted
apparatus the following applies:
potential source
apparatus should be located on the same
side of the partition as the potential source
with sloped ceilings should be located at
the high side of the room
B In addition to the previous points the
following must be observed:
If the apparatus is located on a wall:
 
If the apparatus is located on the ceiling:
and any ceiling obstruction e.g. light
Apparatus located in sleeping rooms and in
rooms remote from a fuel burning appliance:
or located in rooms remote from the
fuel-burning appliance should be located
relatively close to the breathing zone of
the occupants
The apparatus should not be installed:
 
cupboard or behind a curtain)
 
by furniture)
 
 
 
 
ventilation openings
 
 
 
in a bathroom)
 
 
monoxide ingress through air vents due to the
nearby presence of other vehicles, engines,
generators or barbecues, however this does
not change the basic guidance on location of
NOTE: This apparatus should
be installed by a competent
person who feels able to
install it according to the
Firstly write the installation
date on your detector in
   
recommend that your
detector is installed on the
To mount on a wall or
Please ensure that you use
the screws provided, as they
   
use with this product. Use
template below for guidance
   
Drill holes into the wall. Insert
the plastic wall plugs. Screw
in the screws. Ensure screws
are protruding from the wall
  
slot onto screws.
To place on a shelf:
The base of the detector has
been designed to allow it to
stand freely on a shelf.
WARNING:  
on a shelf, please follow to
the recommendations for
Drill hole spacing
A If the detector is already wall or ceiling
mounting screws.
B Remove the battery cover located on the
way round. Use of batteries other than
those recommended by Sprue Safety
Press ridged
area in and slide
door out to
reveal battery
Products Ltd may have a detrimental
Replace the battery cover and return the
detector to its original position.
D Your advanced First Alert CO detector
it is fully operational.
If you have followed all of the above steps
correctly, your unit will begin monitoring for
        
warm-up period is complete, the Power LED
will flash green once per minute to indicate
that the alarm is receiving power from the
batteries and is fully operational (if your detector
       
warm-up period and your product is still within
warranty, then please contact technical support
for advice).
E Test the sounder, batteries and circuitry
sound as soon as the button is pressed,
and the Alarm LED will illuminate red for
a short time indicating that the sounder is
to the unit. This test for the sounder, batteries
WARNING: Prolonged exposure to the sounder
in close proximity to your ears may damage your
Under normal operating conditions, the
carbon monoxide poisoning when the batteries
have drained.
WARNING: Prolonged exposure to extreme
high or low temperatures may reduce the life of
the batteries.
Your First Alert CO detector offers many features
which set it apart from other CO detectors on
This button will:
 
 
introducing a source of CO into the
 
alarm (only possible when current CO
Testing the sounder, batteries and circuitry
Test the sounder, batteries and circuitry by
alarm in the same room as any combustion
appliance(s), located in accordance with
previous advice in this section. If the caravan
has a single living space which incorporates
the sleeping accommodation, it can be
considered to be equivalent to a bedsit, and a
accommodation which is in a separate room
from the combustion appliance(s) should also
contain an alarm, located in accordance with
previous advice in this section.
location for an apparatus, for example, a
small caravan may not have suitable vertical
an apparatus in such situations, the two most
important considerations when selecting an
appropriate location are:
 
 

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