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Home and Office Security Safes
Opening Your Chest
1. Insert the key (2 included) into the lock and then
turn clockwise to the right.
2. Push the large button and the locking
latch will open and spring forward.
3. Once the latch has cleared the lip that it was
secured to, you can open the Chest lid.
Operation & Installation Guide
Read These Instructions Very Carefully!
Limited WarrantyOpening & Closing Your Fire Chest
Home and Office Security Safes
Closing Your Chest
1. Close the lid, making sure that the
contents do not obstruct the seal.
2. Push the latch back and down onto the lid clasp,
and snap the latch into the closed position.
3. Turn the key counter-clockwise to the left,
and remove key. Your safe is now locked.
Assembling Wheels (Model 2037WFE only)
If your Chest includes Easy Roller™ Wheels, follow the simple assembly
instructions included in the box. For your safety, the instructions
printed on the wheel cart should be upright and facing outward.
After assembly, carefully place the Chest onto the wheel cart. Do
not sit or stand on the Easy Roller™ Wheels. The maximum weight
supported is 38.6 kg.
Model 2011FE
Model 2013FE
Model 2017FE
Model 2037FE
Model 2037WFE
If your First Alert® Fire/ Fire Water Chest is ever damaged by a fire, BRK Brands Europe Ltd. will
replace it with a comparable model at no charge to the consumer. Freight on the replacement unit is
not included in the guarantee and must be paid by the consumer.
For claims, submit your name and address, a photo of the damaged safe along with its Model
Number, and a copy of the Fire Department report to BRK Brands Europe Ltd. as proof of loss.
Once the information is received, BRK Brands Europe Ltd. will contact you with further instructions.
BRK Brands Europe Ltd., (“The company”) warrants that for a period of five (5) years from the date
of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship. The company,
at its sole option, will repair or replace this product or any component of the product found to
be defective during the warranty period. Replacement or repair will be made with a new or
remanufactured product or component. If the product is no longer available, replacement may be
made with a similar product of equal or greater value. This is your exclusive warranty.
This warranty is only valid for the original retail purchaser from the date of initial retail purchase
and is not transferable. You must keep the original sales receipt. Proof of purchase is required to
obtain warranty performance. BRK Brands Europe dealers, service centres, or retail stores selling this
product do not have the right to alter, modify or in any way change the terms and conditions of this
This warranty does not apply to the finish on the product. This warranty does not cover normal
wear and tear of parts or damage resulting from any of the following: negligent use or misuse of the
product, use contrary to the operating instructions, disassembly, repair or alteration by anyone other
than the company or an authorized service center, improper installation, or exposure to extremes of
heat or humidity. Further, the warranty does not cover Acts of God, such as fire, flood, hurricanes
and tornadoes.
The company shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages caused by the breach
of any express or implied warranty. The company is also not responsible for: costs associated with
removing or installing the product; damage or loss of the contents of the product; nor for the
unauthorized removal of the contents; or damages incurred during shipment.
Except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose is limited in duration to the duration of the above Warranty Period.
Fire Chest
Fire / Water Chest

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First Alert 2017FE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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