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English - 62 -
FollowMe TV Feature (if available)
Tap on the FOLLOW ME TV widget located at the
bottom left of the screen of your mobile device to
change the layout for FollowMe TV feature.
Tap the play icon to start streaming of the content from
the TV to your mobile device. Available if your device
is in your routers operation range.
Note that only digital(DVB-T/C/S) SD channels are supported.
Multilanguage audio support and subtitle on/off features are
not functional.
The streaming performance may change depending on the
quality of your connection.
Media Share Page
To access the Media Share widget tap on the Up-
arrow on the bottom left side of the screen.
If the Media Share widget is pressed, a screen is
displayed where you can select the media le type to
share with your TV.
Note: Not all image le formats are supported. This function
will not work if Audio Video Sharing feature is not supported.
Portal Launcher
To access the Portal Launcher( ) widget tap on
the Up-arrow on the bottom left side of the screen.
You can access the portal page by tapping on the
Portal Launcher widget.
Note: Internet connection is required. This function will not
work if a portal page is not in use.
Smart Remote Feature
You can use your mobile device as a remote control
for your TV once it has connected to the TV. To use
smart remote’s full features tap on the Up-arrow on
the bottom left side of the screen.
Voice Recognition
You can tap on the Microphone( ) widget and
manage your application, giving voice commands
such as “Portal!”, “Volume Up/Down!”, “Programme
Note: This feature is only for android based devices available.
Keyboard Page
The keyboard page can be opened in two ways; by
pressing the Keyboard( ) widget on the application
screen or automatically by receiving a command
from the TV.
1. Smart TV
2. Network connection
3. Mobile Device based on Android or iOS platform
(Android OS 4.0 or higher; IOS 6 or higher version)
4. Smart Center app.(to be found on online
application stores based on Android and iOS
5. Router modem
6. USB storage device in FAT32 format (required for
PVR feature, if available)
For Android devices, Normal(mdpi), Large(hdpi) and Extra
Large(xhdpi) screen sizes are supported. Devices with 3” or
smaller screen sizes are not supported.
For iOS devices, all screen sizes are supported.
User interface of the Smart Center application is subject to
change according to version installed on your device.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Finlux FL3226SH

Finlux FL3226SH Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

Finlux FL3226SH Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 34 pagina's

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