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Appendix D: Software Upgrade
• Your TV is capable of nding and updating new software upgrades over broadcast channels.
• For broadcast channels search, theTV looks at the available channels stored in your settings. So before the
software upgrade search, it is advised to auto search and update all available channels.
1) Software upgrade search via user interface
• It is possible to manually check if there is a new software upgrade for your TV set.
• Simply navigate on your main menu. Choose Settings and select Other Settings menu. In Other Settings
navigate to the Software Upgrade item and press OK button to open Upgrade Options menu.
• In Upgrade Options menu select Scan for upgrade and press OK button.
• If a new upgrade is found, it starts to download the upgrade. A progress bar indicates the remaining download
progress. When the download completes with success a message is displayed for reboot to activate new
software. Press OK to continue with the reboot operation.
2) Background search and upgrade mode
• While TV is connected to Internet, in the background it searches for critical software upgrades. If a critical
software upgrade is found it downloads the upgrade silently. When the download completes with success a
message is
displayed for reboot operation to activate new software. Press OK to continue with the reboot operation.
3) 3.AM search and upgrade mode
• If Automatic scanning in Upgrade Options menu is enabled, the TV wakes up at 03:00 and searches
broadcast channels for new software upgrade. If new software is found and downloaded successfully, with
next power up TV opens with new software version.
Note on reboot operation: Reboot is the last step in software upgrade operation if download of new software
is nished successfully. During reboot TV makes nal initializations. In the reboot sequence the panel power
is closed and front led indicates the activity with blinking. Around 5 minutes later TV restarts with new software
• If your TV fails to restart in 10 minutes, unplug the power for 10 minutes and re-plug again. The TV should
open with the new software safely. If you still can not get TV working, please kindly repeat unplug and plug
sequence a few more times. If your set still can not operate, please call the service personnel to x the
problem for you.
Caution: While led is blinking during reboot do not unplug your TV’s power. Doing this may cause
your TV not to re-open again and can only be xed by service personnel.
Manual Software Update
Ensure that the ethernet cable is connected to your TV.
Menu -> Settings -> IP Settings -> Con guration Status -> Connected
Go to Settings tab from the main menu and select Other Settings. Highlight Software Upgrade and press OK.
Select Scan for Upgrade and press OK button.
An OSD screen including the progress bar will be visible under the “Software upgrade” title.
A warning screen will be displayed on the screen, stating that the TV will be rebooted. Press OK button to
nalize upgrade process and reboot TV.
01_[GB]_MB70_5112UK_IDTV_T2_100Hz_55990LED_GOLD11_10077108_50209161.indd 4201_[GB]_MB70_5112UK_IDTV_T2_100Hz_55990LED_GOLD11_10077108_50209161.indd 42 26.12.2011 13:52:2026.12.2011 13:52:20

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