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Moisture and Water
Do not use this device in a humid and
damp place (avoid the bathroom, the
sink in the kitchen, etc). Do not expose
this device to rain or water, as this may
be dangerous and do not place objects
lled with liquids, such as ower vases,
on top.
If any solid object or liquid falls into the cabinet, unplug
the TV and have it checked by qualied personnel
before operating it any further.
Before cleaning, unplug the TV set
from the wall outlet. Do not use liquid
or aerosol cleaners. Use a soft and
dry cloth.
The slots and openings on the TV set are intended for
ventilation and to ensure reliable operation. To prevent
overheating, these openings must not be blocked or
covered in anyway.
Heat and Flames
The set should not be placed near to
open ames or sources of intense heat
such as an electric heater. Ensure that
no open ame sources, such as candles,
are placed on top of the TV. Batteries should not be
exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, re or
the like.
In case of storm and lightning or when
going on holiday, disconnect the power
cord from the wall outlet.
Replacement Parts
When replacement parts are required, make sure that
the service technician has used replacement parts,
which are specied by the manufacturer or have the
same specications as the original one. Unauthorized
substitutions may result in re, electrical shock or
other hazards.
Please refer all servicing to qualied
personnel. Do not remove the cover
yourself as this may result in an electric
Waste Disposal
Instructions for waste disposal:
Packaging and packaging aids are
recyclable and should principally be
recycled. Packaging materials, such as a
foil bag, must be kept away from children.
Batteries, including those which are heavy
metal-free, should not be disposed of with
household waste. Please dispose of used
batteries in an environmentally friendly manner. Find
out about the legal regulations which apply in your
Do not try to recharge batteries, there is a danger
of explosion. Replace batteries only with the same
or equivalent type.
This symbol on the product or on its packaging means
that your electrical device should be disposed at the
end of its service life, separately from your household
wastes. There are separate collection systems for
recycling in the EU. For more information, please
contact the local authority or the dealer where you
purchased the product.
Disconnecting the Device
The mains plug is used to disconnect the TV set
from the mains and therefore it must remain readily
3D Mode and 3D Images
Read and understand the following safety
precautions carefully for your safety before using
the 3D function.
You may experience discomfort, headaches
or dizziness while watching 3D images. If you
experience such symptoms, you should remove 3D
glasses and stop watching 3D mode.
Take regular breaks while watching 3D images. The
length and frequency of breaks may change from
person to person. You must decide what works best
for you. If you experience discomforts such as eye
strain or nausea while watching 3D images for a
long time, remove 3D glasses, stop watching 3D
mode and rest. You should consult a doctor if you
believe it is necessary.
It is recommended that an adult should check
on children if the children are using 3D function.
If they experience symptoms such as dizziness,
headaches or eye strain, you should have the
children stop watching 3D TV and you should have
the children rest.
Do not use the 3D Glasses for other purposes such
as sunglasses or general eyeglasses.
Do not use the 3D mode or wear 3D Glasses while
you are moving around. Using the 3D mode or 3D
Glasses while moving may lead to injuries due to
running into objects, and falling.
Use only the supplied 3D glasses.
If you experience screen ickering when watching
3D images in poor light conditions, you should turn
the lamp off or dim the light.
When using headphones, you should adjust the
volume so as to avoid excessive levels, since
hearing damage may result.

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