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You should back up your les before making any
connections to the TV set in order to avoid any
possible data loss. Note that the manufacturer
will not be responsible for any file damage or
It is possible that certain types of USB devices (e.g.
MP3 Players) or USB hard disk drives/memory sticks
may not be compatible with this TV.
IMPORTANT: The TV supports only FAT32 disk
formatting. NTFS format is not supported. If you
connect a USB disk with NTFS format, the TV will ask
you to format the content. See the section, “Format
Disk” in the following pages for more information on
disk formatting.
Note that ALL the data stored on the USB disk will
be lost and then the disk format will be converted to
FAT32 in such a case.
USB Disk Connection
• Plug your USB device to the USB input of the TV.
Note: Plug or unplug your USB disk while the TV is
switched off.
Note: If you are going to connect a USB hard disk drive
to the TV set, USB connection cable used between
the disk drive and the TV should have a USB logo
and should be as short as possible.
Note: While formatting a USB hard disk that has 1TB
(Tera Byte) or more le capacity, you can experience
problems with the formatting process. In such a
case, you should format the disk with your personal
computer and the formatted disk type should be
Quickly plugging and unplugging USB devices, is a
very hazardous operation. Do not repeatedly quickly
plug and unplug the drive. This may cause physical
damage to the USB player and especially the USB
device itself.
Do not pull out USB module while playing or
recording a le.
Programme Recording
To record a programme, you should rst connect a
USB disk to your TV while the TV is switched off.
You should then switch on the TV to enable recording
IMPORTANT: When using a new USB hard disk drive,
it is recommended that you rst format the disk using
your TV’s “Format Disk” option.
For using recording function, you should connect a
USB disk or an external hard disk drive to the TV
and connected USB disk should have at least 1 GB
capacity and should have 2.0 speed compatibility.
If the connected USB device does not support 2.0
speed, an error message will be displayed.
Note: Recorded programmes are saved into the
connected USB disk. If desired, you can store/copy
recordings on a computer; however, these les will
not be available to be played on a computer. You can
play the recordings only via your TV.
An hour of the recordings stored occupies
approximately 2 GB of space.
For more information on recording programmes,
see sections “Instant Recording”, “Timeshifting”,
“Electronic Programme Guide”, “Recordings Library”
or “Recording Timers” in the following parts.
Recorded programmes are split into 1GB
(approximately an hour) partitions. Names of the
stored recordings’ last three digits indicates this:
Such as 4801-000.ts , 4801-001.ts.
Recorded programmes are stored in the following
directory of the connected USB disk: \DVR\RECS.
All recordings are indicated with a number (such
as 4801-000.ts). A text (txt) le is created for each
recording. This text le includes information such as
broadcaster, programme, and recording time.
If the writing speed of the connected USB disk is not
suf cient, recording may fail and timeshifting feaute
may not be available.
Recordings of HD programmes can occupy bigger
size on the USB disk depending on the broadcast’s
resolution. For this reason it is recommended
to use USB hard disk drives for recording HD
Do not plug out the USB/HDD during the recording.
This may harm the connected USB/HDD.
Multipartition HDDs are supported until two
Some stream packets may not be recorded because
of signal problems, so sometimes video may freezes
during playback.
Record, Play, Pause, Display (for PlayListDialog)
keys could not be used when teletext is ON. If a
recording starts from timer when teletext is ON,
teletext is automatically turned off. Also teletext
usage is disabled when there is ongoing recording
or playback.
01_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_PLATINIUM7_5110UK_40965WLED_10074751_50197610.indd 1101_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_PLATINIUM7_5110UK_40965WLED_10074751_50197610.indd 11 07.09.2011 14:30:1007.09.2011 14:30:10

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