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Information for users in EU
This symbol on the product or on its packaging means
that your electrical device should be
disposed at the end of its service life
separately from your household wastes.
There are separate collection systems for
recycling in the EU. For more information,
please contact the local authority or the
dealer where you purchased the
Disconnecting the Device
The mains plug is used to disconnect the TV set
from the mains and therefore it must remain readily
Headphone Volume
Excessive sound pressure from earphones
and headphones can cause hearing loss.
To prevent injury, this device must be securely
attached to the wall in accordance with the installation
instructions when mounted to the wall (if the option
is available).
LCD Screen
The LCD panel is a very high technology product with
about a million thin lm transistors, giving you ne
picture details. Occasionally, a few non-active pixels
may appear on the screen as a xed blue, green or
red point. Please note that this does not affect the
performance of your product.
Warning! Do not leave your TV in standby or operating
mode when you leave your house.
The Standby / On button does not fully switch off this
product. Moreover the device continues to consume
power in standby mode. In order to separate the
device completely from mains, the mains plug has to
be pulled from the mains socket. Because of that the
device should be set up in a way, that an unobstructed
access to the mains socket is guaranteed, so that
in case of emergency the mains plug can be pulled
immediately. During periods of prolonged non-use,
the TV should be disconnected from the mains power
Electrical device not in the hands of children
Never let children use any electrical device
unsupervised. Children cannot always recognise
possible dangers. Batteries / accumulators can be life
threatening when swallowed. Store batteries out of
the reach of for small children. In case of swallowing
a battery medical aid has to be sought immediately.
Also keep the packaging foils away from children as
there is danger of suffocation.
Licence Noti cation (optional)
is a trademark of SRS Labs, Inc.
TruSurround technology is incorporated under license
from SRS Labs, Inc.
SRS TruSurround HD creates an immersive, feature-
rich surround sound experience from two speakers,
complete with rich bass, high frequency detail and
clear dialog.
Licence Noti cation (optional)
Manufactured under license from Dolby
“Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of
Dolby Laboratories.
Connection to a Television Distribution
System (Cable TV etc.) from Tuner
Devices connected to the protective earthing of the
building installation through the mains connection or
through other apparatus with a connection to protective
earthing-and to a television distribution system using
a coaxial cable, may in some circumstances create
a re hazard.
Connection to a cable distribution system has
therefore to be provided through a device providing
electrical isolation below a certain frequency range
(galvanic isolator, see EN 60728-11).
01_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_PLATINIUM7_5110UK_40965WLED_10074751_50197610.indd 401_MB65_[GB]_IDTV_PVR_PLATINIUM7_5110UK_40965WLED_10074751_50197610.indd 4 07.09.2011 14:30:0307.09.2011 14:30:03

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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