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English - 4 -
material on the cloth, make sure to shake off any
dust before using it.
Do not scratch the surface of the Liquid crystal
shutters with a sharp tool and do not clean it using
chemicals. This may degrade the screen quality.
Do not apply force to the liquid crystal.
Do not drop or bend the product.
If the receiving range is out of the speci ed range,
the screen may not be viewable as 3D video.
If you encounter this symptom, please turn off the
light and continue watching.
Health Warning!- 3D Images
When watching 3D images, you should leave a
distance of at least twice the screen width, and you
should keep the screen at eye level.
If you watch the 3D imaging too closely or for a long
period of time, it is possible that it may harm your
eyesight. Watching the TV or playing video games
that incorporate 3D imaging with the 3D glasses
for a long period of time can cause drowsiness,
headaches or fatigue to you and/or your eyes. If
you have a headache, or otherwise feel fatigued
or drowsy, stop watching the TV and take a rest.
Pregnant woman, seniors, persons with heart
problems or persons who experience frequent
drowsiness should refrain from watching 3D. Some
3D imaging may cause you to duck or dodge the
image displayed in the video. Therefore, it is best if
you do not watch 3D TV near fragile objects or near
any objects that can be knocked over easily. Please
prevent children under the age of 5 from watching
3D. It may affect their vision development.
Warning for photosensitization seizure
If you or a member of your family has a history of
epilepsy or seizure, please consult with your doctor
before watching 3D TV. It is possible that some
viewers may experience a seizure or epilepsy when
exposed to certain conditions, including ashing
lights or images in TV or video games.
Sometimes certain symptoms can occur in
unspeci ed conditions even if you do not have any
previous history. In such a case, if you experience
any of the following symptoms, immediately stop
watching the 3D TV and consult a doctor:
altered vision, visual or facial instability, such as eye
or muscle twitching, dizziness or light-headedness,
visual transition or unconscious action, convulsion,
loss of conscience, confusion or disorientation, loss
of directional sense, cramps, or nausea.
When watching 3D TV, monitor your children,
including teenagers because they may be more
sensitive to the effects of watching 3D such as
these symptoms.
Use only the supplied 3D glasses.
If you experience screen ickering when watching
3D images in poor light conditions, you should turn
the lamp off or dim the light.
When using headphones, you should adjust the
volume so as to avoid excessive levels, since
hearing damage may result.
CAUTION- On 3D Glasses
Please read these safety instructions carefully
to ensure your personal safety and to prevent
If you experience dif culty while viewing 3D images
with the 3D glasses, you may have some problems
with your eyesight.
You may experience headaches or fatigue when
viewing 3D images through the glasses for too
If you experience headaches, fatigue, or dizziness,
stop watching immediately.
Do not drop objects onto the product or import
force to the product. This may result in electric
shock or re.
Do not use your product near a humid er or kitchen
counter. This may result in electric shock or re.
Do not disassemble, repair or modify the product or
its parts. Failing to do so may result in damage to
the product or a malfunction.
The following people should not use this product:
Pregnant women, inform persons, persons with heart
issues, as well as persons that become nauseous
easily. People with these conditions should not use
this product.
When watching 3D video, do not place anything
nearby that can be easily broken. You may mistake
a 3D image for an actual object and move your
body, causing you to break nearby objects and hurt
3D glasses to watch 3D video use only. Do not use
it for any other purpose.
Do not use the 3D Glasses as sunglasses or reading
Do not spray cleaner directly onto the surface of the
product.This may result in discoloration and cracks
and may cause the screen display to peel off.
Do not let water come into contact with the product
when cleaning it. Ensure that water does not enter
the product. This may result in electric shock or
Since the lens of the product is easily scratched,
make sure to clean the product with a soft cloth. As
the product may be scratched if there is any foreign
A01_MB62_[GB]_woypbpr_DVBTC_PVR_NICKEL17_5103UK_26965WLED_10079350_50220218.indd 4A01_MB62_[GB]_woypbpr_DVBTC_PVR_NICKEL17_5103UK_26965WLED_10079350_50220218.indd 4 10.05.2012 08:54:5410.05.2012 08:54:54

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