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Original instruction
1 Safety Instructions
1.1 General Safety Instructions
WARNING! Read all safety warnings and all instructions. Failure to follow
the warnings and instructions may result in electric shock, fi re and/or seri-
ous injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to your mains-operated (corded)
power tool or battery-operated (cordless) power tool.
1.2 Safety instructions specifi c for the respective tool
- Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, when performing an operation
where the fastener may contact hidden wiring. Fasteners contacting a “live”
wire may make exposed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could give the
operator an electric shock.
- This charger can be used by children of 8 years and upwards and persons with
impaired physical, sensory or mental abilities, or insuffi cient experience or
knowledge, providing they are supervised or have been instructed in the proper
use of the appliance and understand the risks involved. Children are not per-
mitted to play with the appliance. Children must not carry out cleaning tasks
or maintenance unless they are supervised.
Wear suitable protection: such as ear protection, safe-
ty goggles, a dust mask for work which generates dust,
and protective gloves when working with raw materials
and when changing tools.
- Take care when drilling into walls as there is a danger of rupturing concealed
gas/water pipes or cutting through power cables.
- Prevent metal parts (e.g. metal chips) or fl uids from entering the charger!
- Do not use battery packs or chargers from other manufacturers!
- Protect the battery pack from excessive heat or constant heat sources such as
sunlight or naked fl ames!
- Never use water to extinguish burning li-ion battery packs! Use sand or a fi re
- Check the plug and the cable regularly and should either become damaged,
have them replaced by an authorised after-sales service workshop.
- Connecting the auto feed attachment and drywall screwdriver results in a de-
vice, which is subject to the safety regulations and instruction for the drywall
screw driver.
- Only for AS/NZS: The tool shall always be supplied via residual current device
with a rated residual current of 30 mA or less.

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