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As pic3-1tap to get function list bar and tap into advanced setting,
you can modify password, set motion detection, recording etc.
Security Code Modifying
Select “Advanced setting”
Tap security code.
Enter “admin”in the “Old”field which is the default
security code. Choose New password and select “OK”.
The security password is now changed.
Operation and Setting for Video
Swi tch to
lis t view
Rec ordin g files
Sna pshot s
Con figur ation
Del ete
(st ill in th e list vi ew)
After that , it will go back to “Edit camera
page, reconnect, then u could see the live video.
Otherwise, pls reboot cameras manually.
1. PTZ control
The Pan/Tilt control area allows you to control the cruise of the
Pan/Tilt of your ip camera through directional arrow button.
2. Two way audio
a. This enables or disables you to listen what’s happening.
b. This enables or disables you to talk
Two way audio is only available on indoor PTZ camera.
3. Manual record
Tap to start recording, tap to finish recording.
The recording files are saved in the “Snapshot album” , it
enables you to view, edit and share.
4. Snapshot
Tapping allows you to take photos of the current video and store
the image in the Snapshot album
5. Mir
ror Flipping
Allows you to flip the screen vertically; Allows you to flip the
screen horizontally.
6. Video quality
There are 5 levels video quality to choose.
The higher resolution or quality of the picture, the higher bit rate
requirement and bandwidth consumption will be. Please choose the
videoquality according to your network condition.
Wifi setting
In the setting interface, Select wifi in the list, and input
password, click”add”. If wifi name comes out, then succeed
connecting after one minute.
At last, plug out of the ethernet cable.
Motion Detection
In the setting interface, click “Motion Detection”, Motion detection lets you define the
sensitivity: from”off”to “Max”. The higher the sensitivity, the more motion events the
camera will detect.After setting, it can receive and audible alert. whenever any motion
has been detected.
SD card recording setting
Tips: SD card recording function is available only after the SD card is inserted. In the setting interface,
select "Recording setting",click drop-down box, the pop-up page will display “Full time” and“Alarm”
for users to select.“Full time recording”, that is 24-hour loop recording;“Alarm recording”, that is, when
the camera detects moving objects, allows you to record what’s going on at that time. It’s important to
back up important data based on that the SD card will automatically overwrite the video if the memory
space is insufficient.
SD Card Playback
After setting successfully for SD card record, in full-time mode,
every file duration is 10mins, if check the record, go back to homepage
of app and click the function menu, select event list, and click the relative
time to playback the video.
We request that you read the instruction manual and recommendations set forward therein.
• In order to avoid an electric shock, never open the housing. Damage to the warranty seal shall void the warranty.
• Keep the car DVR away from water and other liquids.
After prolonged use, it is normal that the unit temperature will rise.
Please use the accessories provided by the manufacturer.
Ferguson has taken every effort to provide users with software updates in order to ensure that the parameters of the
device are up to date. Ferguson reserves itself the right to amend, change or modify the software used in the device as it
shall choose and without prior notification. The latest version of the software is available on the website
Ferguson Sp. z o.o. has made every effort to provide the most current information about its products. Ferguson Sp. z o.o
does not grant any guarantee as to the contents of the present instruction manual and disclaims any implied guarantees
concerning market value or suitability for specific purposes. The information contained herein is an instruction intended to
enable the correct usage and maintenance of the receiver. Ferguson Sp. z o.o. reserves itself the right to introduce
amendments, changes or translations of the instruction manual without prior notification thereof. F
or this reason, we
recommend you regularly visit our website in order to obtain the latest information.
Advanced settings
Hereby Ferguson Sp. z o.o., declares that the device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 2014/53/EC. You can find the Declaration of Conformity on www.deklaracje.ferguson.pl. This
product has been designed, tested and manufactured according the European R&TTE directive 2014/53/UE
All followings settings could be done on the video preview interface.
Due to the standardization of Ferguson equipment, the majority of these
devices use the same Application. This means that not all keys are used by
this equipment model!
Camera operation by web browser
Ferguson IP camera can be operated by web browser on Port 81, or any
computer program that supports IP cameras.
To configure the camera by a web browser, your computer must be
connected to the same local network (LAN) as the camera is. Next start
program "IPCameraSearch", which can be downloaded from our
website. This program will search all cameras connected to your local
network and indicate their IP addresses. By clicking on the "open", you
will be redirected to the browser where you enter your login and
password (default login: admin, password: admin).
More information can be found on our page www.wiki.ferguson.pl
Note: To install an SD card, remove the plug on the back of the camera.
Important is during closing carefully arrange the gasket, otherwise the camera may be flooded!

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