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We request that you read the instruction manual and recommendations set forward therein.
Also remember to correctly position the satellite antenna!
In order to avoid an electric shock, never open the housing. Damage to the
warranty seal shall void the warranty.
Disconnect the device from the mains during thunderstorms or when it is not to
be used for an extended period of time. Please remember that the warranty does
not cover damage to the equipment caused by a lightning strike.
Do not expose the device to direct sunlight. Place it away from sources of heat
and humidity. Do not cover ventilation ducts, in order to ensure the correct
circulation of air.
Place the device horizontally on a flat, even and stable surface.
If you move the device from a room that is warm to one that is cold (or vice
versa), wait at min. 1 hour before connecting it to the mains. Otherwise,
problems may arise.
The device should be placed away from vases, bottles, aquariums and other
water containers in order to avoid damage. Do not touch the mains plug with your
bare hands.
Do not place any objects on the housing of the device. This may cause
overheating and reception problems.
Before commencing maintenance or installation work, disconnect the receiver from the mains.
Do not clean the receiver with alcohol or liquids containing ammonia. If necessary, clean it with
a soft, lint-free cloth wetted with a gentle solution of water and soap.
Do not connect any cables when the mains plug is in the socket.
Check the condition of your cables. Damaged cables may cause a fire.
Please disconnect the receiver from the mains before connecting any cables.
Ferguson has taken every effort to provide users with software updates in order to ensure that
the parameters of the satellite television receiver are up to date. Ferguson reserves itself the
right to amend, change or modify the software used in the satellite television receiver as it
shall choose and without prior notification. The latest version of the software is available on the
website http://www.ferguson-digital.eu

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Andere handleiding(en) van Ferguson Ariva 103mini

Ferguson Ariva 103mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 56 pagina's

Ferguson Ariva 103mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

Ferguson Ariva 103mini Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 56 pagina's

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