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CAUTION! Immediately upon receiving the product, carefully unpack the carton, check the contents to ensure that all parts are
present, and have been received in good condition. Notify the shipper immediately and retain packing material for inspection if
any parts appear damage from shipping or the package itself shows signs of mishandling. Save the package and all packing
materials. In the event that the product must be returned to the factory, it is important that the product be returned in the original
factory box and packing.
If the device has been exposed to drastic temperature fluctuation (e.g. after transportation), do not switch it on immediately. The
arising condensation water might damage your device. Leave the device switched off until it has reached room temperature.
On the label on the backside of the product is indicated on this type of power supply must be connected. Check that the mains
voltage corresponds to this, all other voltages than specified, the light effect can be irreparably damaged. The product must also
be directly connected to the mains and may be used. No dimmer or adjustable power supply.
Always connect the device to a protected circuit (circuit breaker or fuse). Make sure the device has an appropriate
electrical ground to avoid the risk of electrocution or fire.
1. Input Selector switch
Selects the input signal:
MP3, AUX or BT
2. AUX input
3.5mm jack input for connecting units with line level (e.g. CD/MP3/DVD player, hi-fi system, PC).
3. Volume control
Turn the control to set the corresponding channel volume.
4. Peak LED Indicator
Indicator lights up when signal level is too high. When the LED light up continually you must reduce the volume to
protect the speaker.
5. Signal LED Indicator
Indicator lights up when signal receive.
6. SD-Port
Connect your SD/MMC card in this slot to play music with MP3 or WMA format.
7. Mediaplayer
Plays your music from USB, SD card or BT.
8. USB Port
Connect your USB devices to this slot to play music with MP3 or WMA format.
9. Power LED Indicator
Indicator lights up when power turned on
10. Power switch ON/OFF
Press this button to turn the device on/off.
11. Power input
Before connecting the power cord, check if the mains corresponds to the voltage indicated on the rating plate on the
unit. Connect the power cord only to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.
12. RCA Inputs
RCA jack in- and output for connecting audio units with line level output (e.g. PC, CD or TV).
13. Speaker Outputs
Binding post speaker outputs Left/Right
14. Cooling Fan
Do not block the air exhaust as it may cause overheating.

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