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A. INPUT 1 - Plug your guitar in here.
B. INPUT 2 - A lower impedance and sensitivity
input than input 1, useful for guitars with active
pickups. When used with passive guitars, it
provides a darker tone. Both inputs are identical if
used simultaneously.
C. NORMAL VOLUME - Adjusts the overall
loudness of the NORMAL CHANNEL.
D. TREBLE - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the high frequency range.
E. BASS - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the low frequency range.
F. DRIVE - Adjusts the amount of preamp
amplification in the DRIVE CHANNEL. Cleaner sound is
achieved at lower gain settings; high gain settings
will produce more sustain and distortion. This
control works in conjunction with the DRIVE VOLUME
control (item H) to set the overall loudness of the
indicator is illuminated, the DRIVE CHANNEL is active.
H. DRIVE VOLUME - Adjusts the overall loudness of
J. TREBLE - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the high frequency range.
K. MID - Adjusts the overall tone quality without
affecting the signal level. High MID settings will
provide emphasis in the midrange frequencies
whereas a lower setting will notch the midrange.
L. BASS - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the low frequency range.
M. REVERB - Adjusts the amount of reverb present
in both the NORMAL and DRIVE CHANNELS.
N. FOOTSWITCH - Plug-in connection for the
optional remote footswitch to select between the
NORMAL and DRIVE channels. For proper
operation of the footswitch, the Gain Select switch
should be out. NOTE: Any good quality patch cord
will work with the remote footswitch, however, a
speaker grade cord is preferable to a coax guitar
O. PRE OUT - This jack provides an output signal
from the preamp. Reverb is also present at this
output. It may be used to drive effects units in an
effects loop, to drive additional amplifiers in a multi-
amp set up or as a preamp send to a mixing
P. PWR IN - This jack provides a return from your
effects units. This jack can also be used as a power
amp input.
Q. PILOT JEWEL - Illuminates when the Princeton
65 is receiving power.
POWER SWITCH - This switch turns the AC power
ON and OFF. When the switch is OFF, the amplifier
is completely shut down.
LINE CORD - This amplifier is equipped with an IEC
grounding type supply cord to reduce the possibility
of shock hazard. Be sure to connect it to a
grounded receptacle. DO NOT ALTER THE AC

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