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A. PILOT JEWEL - Illuminates if the Professional is receiving power. Should this
bulb burn out, unscrew the red jewel and replace the lamp with a type T47 bulb.
B. INST. VOL. - Controls the loudness of the INSTRUMENT inputs ONLY.
C. MUTE SWITCH - Located under the chassis between the INST. Vol. and the
MIC. VOL. This Switch mutes the instrument inputs ONLY. It is used to mute the
guitar while still amplifying the microphone input for songs or announcements
when the guitar does not need to be amplified.
D. MIC. VOL. - Controls the loudness of the MICROPHONE input ONLY.
E. INSTRUMENT INPUTS - Both inputs have equal volume/gain and are
intended for guitar, steel guitar, or accordion inputs.
F. MICROPHONE INPUT - This is a slightly brighter input with its own volume
control. Intended as a microphone input, it sounds great with guitar too.
G. TONE - Functions as the on/off switch and as a brightness control. Any
rotation above “OFF” will turn the amplifier on. 1 is the brightest setting, getting
progressively less bright as the dial is rotated towards 12.
H. FUSE - The fuse is in the AC supply of the amplifier and will help to protect the
amplifier in the event of an electrical fault or tube failure. If a fuse blows, replace it
only with one of the same type and rating, T2A 250V. NEVER use a fuse with a
higher current rating, this could damage the equipment and present a serious
safety hazard. If the amplifier repeatedly blows fuses, it should be taken to an
authorized Fender warrantee service center.
I. LINE CORD - Your amplifier is equipped with a 3-prong grounding type supply
cord to reduce the possibility of shock due to electrical fault. Be sure to connect
it to a grounded receptacle. DO NOT ALTER THE AC PLUG!
Note: To ensure the longevity of the electronic components of your amp, it
is important that you plug in and turn on your amplifier for at least 2 minutes
once a month.
P/N 050200

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