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For your safety.
Read all safety warnings and all instruc-
Failure to follow the warnings
and instructions may result in electric
shock, fire and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Do not use this power tool before you have thor-
oughly read and completely understood this
Instruction Manual and the enclosed “General
Safety Instructions” (document number
3 41 30 054 06 1). The documents mentioned should be
kept for later use and enclosed with the power tool,
should it be passed on or sold.
Please also observe the relevant national industrial safety
Intended use of the power tool:
hand-guided tapper for cutting threads in through holes
and blind holes in weather-protected environments
without water supply using the application tools and
accessories recommended by FEIN.
This machine is also intended to be powered by a.c. gen-
erators with sufficient power output that correspond
with ISO 8528, design class G2. Compliance with this
Standard in particular is not given when the so-called dis-
tortion factor exceeds 10%. When in doubt, inform
yourself about the generator in use.
Special safety instructions.
Apply the power tool to the work piece only in switched-off
Rotating application tools can slip off and lead
to injuries.
Use auxiliary handles provided with the machine.
Loss of
control can lead to injury.
Secure the workpiece firmly.
A work piece that is gripped
tightly in a clamping device or vice, is more secure than if
held by hand.
Do not machine any material containing asbestos. Asbestos
is cancerogenic.
Hold the power tool firmly. High reaction torque can
briefly occur.
Do not rivet or screw any name-plates or signs onto the
power tool. If the insulation is damaged, protection against
an electric shock will be ineffective. Adhesive labels are
Do not use accessories which are not specifically designed
and recommended by the tool manufacturer. Just because
the accessory can be attached to your power tool, it does
not assure safe operation.
Clean the ventilation openings on the power tool at regular
intervals using non-metal tools. The blower of the motor
draws dust into the housing. An excessive accumulation
of metallic dust can cause an electrical hazard.
Beware of any concealed electric cables, gas or water con-
duits; check the working area with a metal detector, for
example, before commencing work.
Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, when per-
forming an operation where the cutting accessory may con-
tact hidden wiring or its own cord. Cutting accessory
contacting a “live” wire will make exposed metal parts of
the power tool ‘“live” and shock the operator.
Before putting into operation, check the mains connection
and the mains plug for damage.
Recommendation: Always operate the power tool via a
residual current device (RCD) with a rated residual current
of 30 mA or less.
Hand/arm vibrations
The vibration emission level given in this information
sheet has been measured in accordance with a standard-
ised test given in EN 60745 and may be used to compare
one tool with another. It may be used for a preliminary
assessment of exposure.
The declared vibration emission level represents the
main applications of the tool. However if the tool is used
for different applications, with different accessories or
poorly maintained, the vibration emission may differ.
This may significantly increase the exposure level over
the total working period.
An estimation of the level of exposure to vibration
should also take into account the times when the tool is
switched off or when it is running but not actually doing
the job. This may significantly reduce the exposure level
over the total working period.
Identify additional safety measures to protect the opera-
tor from the effects of vibration such as: maintain the tool
and the accessories, keep the hands warm, organisation
of work patterns.
Operating instructions.
Degrease the output spindle and the inside cone of the
application tool before mounting.
In no-load, the application tool rotates anticlockwise;
when applying pressure, the rotation direction switches
to clockwise, and when pulling back, it switches to anti-
clockwise again.
For stationary use in a drill stand, remove the switched
off power tool from the drill stand every 50 operating
hours while at normal running temperature. Then, turn
the machine around by 180° and run it for approx.
1 minute to achieve uniform lubrication.
Repair and customer service.
When working metal under extreme operat-
ing conditions, it is possible for conductive
dust to settle in the interior of the power
tool. The total insulation of the power tool can be
impaired. Blow out the interior of the power tool via the
ventilation slots frequently with dry and oil-free com-
pressed air, and connect a residual current device (RCD)
on the line side.
If the supply cord of this power tool is damaged it must
be replaced by a specially prepared cord available
through the FEIN customer service centre.
If required, you can change the following parts yourself:
Clamping chuck, Application tools
3 41 01 132 06 0.book Seite 15 Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010 12:57 12

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