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3 Manual magnetic drilling machines
1. Safety procedures
When using magnetic drilling machines please follow the general safety instructions for electric
power tools.
Please read the manual Use eye protection use ear protection
use safety helmet use safety gloves wear appropriate clothing
disconnect before opening use safety chain Warning for electrical shock
dangerous environment don’t use in wet places pacemaker warning
TIP: Do not use your magnetic drill on the same structure when ARC welding is in progress. D.C.
current will earth back through the magnet and cause irreparable damage.
WARNING: This appliance must be earthed.
1. Always secure the machine with the supplied safety chain before starting to operate, this to protect the user in case of power
failure or breaking loose of the magnet whilst in use.
2. Always wear safety goggles, gloves and ear plugs.
3. Disconnect from the power source when changing cutters or working on the machine.
4. Always ensure cutter retaining screws are secure – they sometimes vibrate loose in use.
5. Regularly clean the work area and machine., remove swarf and dirt, paying particular attention to the underside of the magnet.
6. With a gloved hand, after switching off the power, remove any swarf which might have gathered around the cutter and arbor
before proceeding to the next hole.
7. Remove tie, rings, watches and any loose adornments which might entangle with the rotating parts of the machine.
8. Should the cutter get stuck in the workpiece, stop the motor immediately to prevent personal injury. Disconnect from the
power source and push and pull the arbor by hand. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FREE THE CUTTER BY SWITCHING THE MOTOR ON
9. If the machine is accidentally dropped, always thoroughly examine the machine for signs of damage and check that it functions
correctly before trying to drill a hole.
10. Regularly inspect the machine and check the nuts and screws are tight.
11. Always ensure when using the machine in an inverted position that only the minimum amount of coolant is used and that care
is taken to ensure the coolant does not drip in the motor unit. We advise you to use special cutting paste which is specially
designed for inverted position drilling.
12. ONLY use spare parts advised by your dealer for magnetic drilling machines.
13. Use the magnetic drilling unit on a clean and flat surface only, to prevent the machine breaking out because of poor clamping
14. If you discover any irregularity on machine cables immediately bring the machine to a recognized dealer for a repair or
maintenance service.
4 Manual magnetic drilling machines
2. Technical overview
FE 30 FE 32 FE 32 R/L FE 36 S FE 50 FE 50 R/L FE 100 R/L
800 W 900 W 1050 W 1080 W 1150 W 1150 W 1800 W
Spindle Direct – 19
mm Weldon
½”x20 NF
– 19 mm
½”x20 NF –
19 mm
Direct – 19
mm Weldon
MT 2 – 19
mm Weldon
MT 2 – 19 mm
MT 3 – 19 mm
Hole cutter
30 mm
30 mm 32 mm 32 mm 36 mm 50 mm 50 mm 100 mm
Hole cutter
55 mm
30 mm 32 mm 32 mm N/A 50 mm 50 mm 100 mm
Hole cutter
110 mm
N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 mm 50 mm 100 mm
N/A N/A 30 mm N/A N/A 40 mm 55 mm
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 23 mm 31.75 mm
Twist drills
N/A 13 mm 13 mm N/A 23 mm 23 mm 31.75 mm
N/A N/A M 16 N/A N/A M 20 M 30
450 min
450 min
0350 min
400 min
I 250 min
II 450 min
I 50250 min
II 100450 min
I 40140 min
II 120480 min
80 mm 150 mm 150 mm 39 mm 150 mm 150 mm 250 mm
9.9 kg 12 kg 12 kg 11 kg 13 kg 13 kg 27 kg
1500 kg 1500 kg 1500 kg 1200 kg 1700 kg 1700 kg 3500 kg
Check power supply
Make sure the used current corresponds with the machine specifications. When using a cable
extension make sure it can do the job.

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