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5.2 Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1. What kind of file format do I have to use on my device?
In order to avoid the “Safely remove hardware“ procedure for disconnecting the PC2300 from
your PC, please use the FAT32 file system. Format your HDD with a FAT32 format tool, like
Swissknife or EASEUS Partiton Master.
Question 2. My computer does not recognize my player.
(1) Make sure the player is powered on. If it is off, the computer will not be able to find the
(2) Make sure the player is connected to computer. (Refer to 1.4.1 for connecting player to
(3) When using Windows 98SE, install the USB driver first. After installation, restart the
computer. Then reconnect the player to the computer. (Refer to 1.4.1 for connecting player to
(4) If you installed the Windows 98SE driver over your Windows® XP, 2000, or ME edition,
problems might occur;
(5) It is not recommend using the USB ports in the front of your computer, try to use the USB
ports in the rear, because the USB ports in the front are often from non-powered hubs.
Question 3. When I try to disconnect the USB device, I keep on getting “The device
‘Generic volume’ cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device again later.”
message, what should I do?
Close any program that might be accessing data on the player, including Windows® Explorer.
If it does not work, close all programs and wait for another 20 seconds, then try the green
arrow icon again. If it still does not work, you should shut down the player and disconnect the
USB cable.
Question 4. I find new file names and folder names that I never created before or they
have strange gibberish names.
Most likely, the player’s file allocation table (FAT) has been corrupted. This might be due to the
player shutting down (due to low battery power) while reading or writing to your computer by
the USB connection. Windows and Macintosh often write extra files to the hard disk such as
finder.def or System volume info. These are normal and will not do any harm to the player.
Question 5. I used my player to transfer files back and forth between different
computers. Will defragmenting the player hard disk do any harm to it?
Defragmenting the player hard disk may be useful after having transferred many files to and
from the player. It is never harmful to use the defragment on the player. Make sure no other
EN 26 / 28

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Fantec P2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

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