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We provide a warranty for the the appliance subject to the following conditions:
1 The purchaser’s main place of residence is in the EU and the appliance was bought from
a dealer located in Germany.
2 We undertake to repair the appliance free of charge, including free shipping if it becomes
defective due to a material or assembly error within 24 months (within 12 months if used
commercially or used for self-employed professional purposes) and if notification of the
defect is given within the warranty period. A pre-condition of our warranty is that the ap-
pliance always treated properly. The warranty terms start on the date of purchase
3 Parts that are subject to normal wear (e.g. drive belts, batteries, brushes, filters) do not fall
under the terms of the warranty.
4 The warranty will lapse if the appliance is modified or repaired by persons we have not aut-
horised. Also no to third party spare parts or accessories may be used
5 The main focus of the warranty is on performing repairs or exchanging defective parts. Re-
pairs on site can only be demanded for large stationary appliances. When making a war-
ranty claim, the invoice or purchase receipt from the dealer stating the date of purchase
must be presented.
6 If a repair fails and the damage or defect cannot be rectified even after a second attempt,
the appliance will be replaced with one of the same value. If neither repair nor replacement
is possible, the customer is entitled to return the device and demand reimbursement of the
purchase price. In the event that the appliance is exchanged or the purchase price reim-
bursed, a usage fee may be raised for the period that the appliance was in use.
7 Warranty work does not extend the warranty period or mark the start of a new warranty pe-
riod. The warranty term for installed spare parts ends at the same time as the warranty pe-
riod for the whole appliance.
8 The contractual and/or statutory regulations relating to the correction of faults is not af-
fected by the provisions of the warranty.
Valid from 1st June 2014

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