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Operating modes
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15.4 LED panel
Slight deviations (approx. 3 %)
in the indicated values are
possible. That means that the
LED panel will already change
colour if the air humidity is 3%
lower or higher than indicated.
In this way a permanent change
of the lighting colour ought to be
avoided. LED panel 5 at the front
of the dehumidifier shows the
degree of the air humidity in the
environment of the dehumidifier
(see fig. A):
The LED panel lights up:
• in blue if the relative air
humidity is slight in the
environment (under 50%).
• in green if the relative air
humidity in the environment is in
the medium range
(approx. 5070 %).
• in red if the relative air
humidity is high in the
environment (above 70%).
16 Operating modes
If there is a change in the
operating mode or interruptions
in operation, the exhaust stage is
immediately during the
dehumidifying process and will
possibly only run again with a
delay of approx. 3 minutes to
prevent overheating of the
dehumidifier or of the
A tolerance of approx. 3% must
be factored into the air humidity
values indicated. That means that
D. h. the dehumidifying function
switches off if the air humidity is
approx. 3% under the set value
and switches on again if the air
humidity is approx. 3% above
the set value.
16.1 Normal operation
With the normal operating mode
you can determine settings
yourself such as the degree of air
humidity that should be reached
in the space and the exhaust
If the air humidity in the space
exceeds the set value the
dehumidifier will begin the
dehumidifying function. As soon
as the set air humidity is
reached, the dehumidifying
function is switched off while the
exhaust will still run for approx. 3
minutes to prevent overheating
of the dehumidifier or of the
compressor and then switches off
as well. The control light above
button 19 indicates that the
desired air humidity was reached
(see fig. C)
As soon as the air humidity in the
space rises above the set value,
the dehumidifying function is
re-activated and the exhaust
runs in the set exhaust stage.

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