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The new programmable
radio-controlled energy saving
control for radiators
Please read the user
manual before you place
the thermostat. Keep the
documents for later ques-
tions and provide them if
you pass the thermostat
on to other persons.
2 radiator thermostats
1 user manual
2 user manuals
Application as directed
By purchasing the Sparmatic premium radiator
thermostat you own a programmable radio con-
trolled radiator thermostat which can be used for
temperature regulation in enclosed rooms. It ts
to all common thermostat valves (possibly with an
adaptor) and can contribute to a reduction of heat-
ing energy.
Please use the device only for this purpose.
perature. This function stays ac-
tive until the next switch point.
and MANU are shown in the
Master heating function
With the button all radiator
thermostats are set to the pre-
set heating temperature.
This function stays active until
the next switch point. and MANU are shown in the
Changing the temperature of individual rooms /
manual override
This function allows to change the room tempera-
ture without changing the pro-
grammed saving and heating
Select the room zone by turn-
ing the control wheel.
and are ashing in the
display. Press the button or for the desired se-
lection. The selected symbol stops ashing. After 10
seconds the control accepts it.
With the start of the next programmed automatic
saving or heating period Sparmatic premium returns
to automatic mode.
Child lock
This functions locks all buttons of the ther-
mostat controls! Adjustment is only pos-
sible by the radio control unit. Enable/dis-
able the function with the button.
Bloc appears in the displays of the indi-
vidual thermostats and the control.
3.1 - Holiday function
The button allows you to set a lowered tempera-
ture during the holidays. Press the button. The
date ashes in the display. Select the end of your
holiday function with the control
wheel. (= automatic heating pe-
riods start). Press the but-
ton again and the corresponding
time fl ashes (= start of the auto-
matic heating time). After pressing the button you
are requested to set the desired temperature for the
holiday period.
Press the button again and the func-
tion is active. The symbol appears in
the display. Disable the holiday function
by pressing the button.
The holidays temperature is shown at
the thermostat controls. You can change
the temperature manually at the thermo-
The button allows you to set a lowered tempera-
sible by the radio control unit. Enable/dis-
able the function with the button.
ture during the holidays. Press the button. The
stat control if the child lock is not active.
Cancel programming ESC
To break during the programming and/ or to return to
the initial state press the button.
4 - Change administrative settings
Press the button to change these settings.
Now you start again with setting time and date (s.
„Initial setting of the control“).
Replacing the batteries
If the battery symbol appears in
the display the batteries need
to be replaced by new ones. Al-
ways replace both batteries at
once. Ensure that the polarity
is correct!
Dispose old batteries according to WEEE 002/96/
EG. Never put them into the household waste!
If you change the place of the devices ensure that
the radio transmission works properly. If the thermo-
stat controls receive no radio signal for more than 60
minutes is shown in the display.
5 - Setting the thermostat control
Inserting the batteries
matic heating time). After pressing the button you
tion is active. The symbol appears in
Press the button again and the func-
by pressing the button.
riods start). Press the but-
the control wheel. Confi rm with the button. Set
the beginning of the 1st heating period with the control
wheel. Confi rm with the
button. Set the beginning of the
saving period with the control
wheel. Confi rm with the
button. Set the beginning of the
heating period
with the control wheel. Confi rm
with the button. Set the
beginning of the 2nd saving
with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Conclude the process with the
button or select the next week day or day block.
Days not programmed by the user=factory setting is active.
If you do not want to programme these days, confi rm with “-- --”.
2.2 - Temperature display of the control
After having fi nished all set-
ting, the LCD display shows
the room temperature (ther-
mometer function) as well as
date and time.
3 - Further Settings
Master- economy (saving) function
With the button all radiator thermostats are set to
the respective economy tem-
2 - Setting room zone, room zone
temperature, heating & saving times
(time programme)
Press button once.
Setting the room zone:
R0 appears + set fl ashing
room number 01:10.
Press button again. Heating symbol ashes.
Set the heating temperature with the control wheel.
Press button again.
Saving symbol ashes.
Set the saving temperature
with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Now you are requested to set your own time pro-
In the time programme you
can set 2 heating and 2 saving
periods for each weekday.
2.1 - Setting the time programme
The weekdays are numbered by 1 7 (1= Monday to
7= Sunday). An arrow in the display marks the cur-
rent day.
Press the button. Select day or day block with
periods for each weekday.
Set the heating temperature with the control wheel.
1- Initial setting of the control
Set house code, room zone, date and time.
After inserting the battery, the Sparmatic premium
control automatically requests entry of house code,
number of room zones to be administrated as well
as date and time.
Set the house code HC:00 with
the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Set the number of room zones
1-10 with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Set the year with the control
Confi rm with the button.
Set the month with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Set the day with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Set the hour with the control wheel.
Confi rm with the button.
Set the minute with the control
Confi rm with the button.
Set the house code HC:00 with
Open the battery compartment and and insert 2 mi-
gnon alkaline batteries (LR6, AA, AM3). Do not use
rechargeable batteries! Ensure that the polarity
is correct! Incorrect inserted or leaking batteries
can destroy the Sparmatic premium. It is necessary
to replace the batteries if the symbol bAtt is shown in
the display. After a battery replacement or a break in
the power supply Sparmatic premium starts an auto-
matic adaption.
5.1 - Setting the thermostat control
Now you are requested to enter the house code and
the room zone number in the thermostat control.
00:00 appears in the display. The rst two numbers
are set to the respective house code (00:07). You
set the room zone with the last two numbers (00:10).
Confi rm with the button.
An adaption is running now. After the adaption the
display stays empty. The setting are selected with
the control wheel and confi rmed with the but-
With the control wheel you can “overwrite” the pro-
grammed temperature until the next switch point.
The buttons are inactive.
minutes is shown in the display.
the temperature manually at the thermo-
stat control if the child lock is not active.
The buttons are inactive.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eurotronic SPARmatic premium

Eurotronic SPARmatic premium Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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