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5. The device is exclusively intended for normal, household usage.
Only use for providing heat in your home.
6. The connection voltage and frequency, as given on the device, must
correspond to that of the socket to be used. The electrical socket to
be used must be an earthed connection. The electrical installation
must be protected via a 30 mA earth leakage circuit breaker. The
electrical socket that you are using must be to hand at all times in
order to be able to remove the plug from the socket in the event of
an emergency.
7. To avoid overloading and/or fuses being blown, do not use any
other equipment on the same socket or electrical group as the one
used for the device.
8. Unroll the electric cable for the device fully before inserting the plug
into the socket and ensure that the electrical cable does not come
into contact with the fireplace or get hot. Do not run the electrical
cable under carpet, cover with mats, runners or similar and do not
place in areas that are walked on frequently. Ensure that it cannot
be stepped on and that no furniture is placed on top of it. Do not
bend the electrical cable around sharp corners and do not roll up
too tightly after use! Prevent the electrical cable coming into
contact with oil, solvents and sharp objects. Check the cable and
plug regularly for damage. Do not bend or pinch the electrical cable
and do not wind it around the device; this could damage the
9. The use of an extension cable is not advised as this can lead to
overheating and fire. If the use of an extension cable is
unavoidable, make sure that it is not damaged and that it is an
approved extension cable with a minimum diameter of 3x2,5 mm²
and a minimum permitted capacity of 2500 Watt. Always fully
extend the cable in order to prevent overheating.
10. Only connect the device to a fixed socket. Do not use multi-plug
adapters or similar.
11. During use, the plug may begin to feel warm; this is normal. If it’s
really warm, there may be something wrong with the socket. Please
contact your electrician.
12. Always turn off the device and remove the plug from the power
socket: Never turn the device off using the plug!

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