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the electric cable for faults or cracks. Do not use a damaged
machine or one that has not functioned properly when you used
last. Give it to your supplier for repair or replacement.
4. Never touch the plug or the socket with wet hands.
5. All current-conductive objects in the work area must be protected
against water jets.
6. The voltage and frequency stated on the machine must correspond
to those of the socket. The electrical system must be approved (IEC
60364-1) and secured with an earth leak switch (max. 30 mA).
Never make any changes to the plug or socket in order to adjust
them! Defectiveness in the electric connection could result in a
7. When using the machine, unroll the cable entirely to prevent
overheating. If an extension cable is unavoidable, use a cable of
adequate thickness: 3x2.5mm². Inadequate extension cables can
be dangerous! The female plug must be waterproof and the
connection must be kept dry. Faulty extension cables are
8. Make sure that the line cord and the extension cord are not
damaged by stepping on them, squeezing, dragging or something
similar. Protect the line cord against heat, oil or sharp edges.
9. Always switch off the main switch if the machine is left behind
10. Use the machine only for home use, such as cleaning cars, boats,
terraces, walls, garden equipment, etc.
11. The user must use the machine in a reasonable manner. Take local
conditions into account and when carrying out these activities,
watch out for people in the surroundings.
12. High-pressure cleaning can be dangerous if you use the machine in
a non-reasonable manner. The jet must never be directed at
people, animals, current-conductive objects or the machine itself.
13. Vehicle tyres and/or tyre valves can get damaged by high-pressure
jets and can spring out. The initial sign of this is discolouring of the
tyre. Damaged vehicle tyres/tyre valves involve risk of life. When
cleaning, observe a minimum spray distance of 30cm.
14. The machine is designed to be used with cleaning agents
recommended by the manufacturer. Using other cleaning agents or
chemicals can have an adverse effect on the safety of the machine
and can cause injuries or oxidation. Keep the cleaning agents out of
reach of children.

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