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The terrase-cleaner:
The terrace cleaner consists of 3 parts:
1 connector (X = thread end)
2 cleaner head
3 spinner (Y = tube, Z = rotating connector)
Place the connector on top of the cleaner head. The cleaner head has
2 holes the threaded end must be pushed into the large hole.
Turn the cleaning head around and push the inside of the spinner onto
the connector. The tube must be inserted in the appropriate hole in the
threaded end. Now screw the rotating connector firmly into the
The connector fits onto the jet lance. An adapter is used to
connect the jet lance to the jet pistol (supplied).
Place the cleaner as close as possible to the water supply.
The cleaner must be placed on a strong, flat and horizontal surface (handle up).
The water supply must supply at least the water consumption of the machine (440 l/h)! The pump
must always be supplied with sufficient water. Dry operation’ causes damage.
The water temperature may not exceed 40°C. The pressure of the water supplied may not exceed
0.7 MPA (7 bar).
Only use clean water with this machine. Impurities or aggressive chemicals damage the machine!
Turn the On/Off switch to the O position.
Check that the specifications of the socket that you wish to use correspond with those on the type
plate of the machine. If this is the case, insert the plug into the socket.
Open the water supply completely.
Unlock the safety lock by pushing the button to the right
Now squeeze the trigger for several seconds in order to de-aerate the hose.
Switch the machine on by switching the On/Off button to I. The motor will start briefly, but will stop
again as long as the trigger is not squeezed.
Now squeeze the trigger the machine will start.
The automatic start/stop system means that the motor only works when the trigger is
The jet produced by the jet lance can be adjusted from narrow to wide by turning the head of the
lance. Never do this while spraying!
The rotating heaD creates a narrow rotating jet.
The terrace cleaner is intended for the cleaning of hard, even, flat surfaces such as terraces, small
streets, steps, (garden) walls, etc. The cap provides protection from water splashing back. Attention:
the powerful jets can damage softer materials such as paint and wood, etc!
Important: Always point the jet down!

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