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Owner’s Manual
For FAQs and more information, please visit:
When using an electrical appliance, you should always follow
these basic precautions.
Fully assemble before operating.
Intended for household use only.
Do not use outdoors or on wet surfaces.
Do not leave the vacuum cleaner unattended when it is plugged
in. Unplug it from the outlet when you are not using it and before
Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary when
used by or near children.
Use only as described in this manual. Use only manufacturer
recommended attachments.
For the purposes of recharging the battery, only use the detachable
power supply unit provided with this device.
Do not use with a damaged cord or plug. If the appliance is not
working as it should, or has been dropped, damaged, or submerged
in water, contact our customer service for advice.
Do not handle the plug or appliance with wet hands.
Do not unplug the adapter by pulling on the cord. To unplug, grasp
the plug, not the cord.
Do not pull the cord around sharp edges or corners. Do not run the
appliance over the cord. Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.
Do not put any object into openings or vents. Do not use if any
opening is blocked. Keep free of dust, lint, hair, and anything else
that may reduce airflow.
Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and other body parts away from
openings and moving parts.
Turn o all controls before unplugging.
Use extra care when cleaning on stairs.
Always turn o this appliance before connecting or disconnecting
the motorized floor brush.
To prevent unintentional starting, ensure the appliance is switched
o before installing the battery pack, picking up or carrying the
appliance. Do not carry the appliance with your finger on the power
switch, doing so may cause accidents.
Do not use to pick up flammable or combustible liquids, such as
gasoline, or use in areas where they may be present.
Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking, such as
cigarettes, matches, or hot ashes.
Do not pick up hard or sharp objects such as glass, nails, screws,
coins, etc.
Do not use without the dust collector and/or filters in place.
Store your vacuum cleaner indoors, in a cool and dry area.
Make sure that the outlet voltage corresponds to the voltage rating
on the charger's label.
Recharge only with the charger JOD-S-360040A1 or JOD-S-
360040JP specified by the manufacturer. A charger that is suitable
for one type of battery pack may cause a risk of fire when used with
another battery pack.
Do not attempt to repair or disassemble the appliance. There are no
user-serviceable parts inside. Repair or service must be performed
by a qualified repairman and only identical replacement parts can
be used. This will ensure the safety of the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliances by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with
the vacuum.
This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and
above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been
Product Number T2401
Vacuum Cleaner
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in
a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not
play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not
be done by children without supervision.
This appliance includes a rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack.
Do not expose the battery pack or appliance to fire or excessive
temperature (above 130°C), as it may catch fire and/or explode.
Do not use a damaged or modified battery pack, as it may catch fire
and/or explode.
Charging, using and storage of the appliance should be within the
ambient temperature range of 0-40°C.
Follow all the charging instructions and do not charge the battery
pack out of the temperature range specified in the instructions,
otherwise, it may damage the battery and increase the risk of fire.
Do not attempt to disassemble the battery pack.
The battery must be removed from the device before the device is
disposed of.
The device must be disconnected from the mains supply when
removing the battery.
To remove the battery from the device, you first need to dissemble
the main body enclosure using a screwdriver. When you remove it,
you will see the battery pack. Disconnect all the quick connectors on
the PCB and remove the PCB from the battery pack by screwdriver.
Caution must be given to prevent accidental short-circuiting of the
The used battery should be placed in a sealed plastic bag and
disposed of safely according to local environmental regulations.
Leaks from battery cells can occur under extreme conditions. If any
liquid gets on the skin, wash quickly with soap and water. If any
liquid gets into the eyes, do not rub eyes, immediately flush them
with clean water continuously for a minimum of 15 minutes. Seek
medical attention immediately.
At a Glance
On / Off button
Power saving button
Charging socket
Power indicator
Dust collector release button
Dust collector
HEPA-style filter
Spare HEPA-style filter
Floor brush release button
Rolling brush
Charging adapter
Wall mount
Mounting hook
Screws (×3)
Plastic wall anchor (×3)
Cleaning tool
Assembling Your HomeVac
Unscrew the bolt.
Insert the handle into the main body and secure with the bolt.
Lower the main body onto the floor brush until it clicks into place.
Be careful not to trap the wire when inserting the handle into the main
Wall Mounting Your HomeVac
1.2 m
4 5
Make sure there is a power outlet nearby.
Measure 1.2 meters above the ground.
Cut out the Drill Hole Marker on Page 7.
Paste the Drill Hole Marker on the wall and drill 3 holes as marked.
Push the plastic wall anchors fully into the holes.
Screw the wall mount into place.
Slip the wall mounting hook into the slot.
Slide HomeVac down into the holder.
Using Your HomeVac
Press to turn HomeVac on.
Press to toggle between Normal and Power Saving Mode.
If suction power is low, empty the dust collector, clean the filter and
remove any obstructions from the nozzle.

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