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Using Your RoboVac
Important Tips
When using for the first time, follow RoboVac to observe and resolve any problems that may occur.
Remove power cords and small objects from the floor that may entangle RoboVac. You can use the
supplied cable ties to organize your wires and power cords.
Fold tasseled edges of area rugs underneath to prevent tangling RoboVac. Avoid cleaning very dark-
colored rugs or high-pile rugs thicker than 1.02 in/26 mm as they may cause RoboVac to malfunction.
Keep RoboVac away from spaces lower than 2.87 in/73 mm to prevent RoboVac from getting stuck. If
necessary, place a physical barrier to block off the problem areas.
Keep RoboVac away from wet areas.
RoboVac may climb on top of objects less than 0.63 in/16 mm in height. Remove these objects if
Anti-drop sensors prevent RoboVac from tumbling down stairs and steep drops. They may work less
effectively if dirty or used on reflective/very dark-colored floors. It is recommended to place physical
barriers to block off areas where RoboVac may fall.
Place physical barriers in front of fireplaces and areas that may cause damage to RoboVac if entered.
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Remove the sticker next
to the power switch, and
the foam blocks beside the
bumper before use.
- Always keep the Charging Base plugged in, otherwise
RoboVac will not automatically return.
- When the Charging Base connects to AC power, the
LED indicator on the Charging Base is SOLID WHITE.
Fully charge RoboVac before use. The LED indicator
on RoboVac breathes orange while charging, and is
solid blue when fully charged.
Download the EufyHome app and follow the
instructions in the app to complete the Wi-Fi
connection. Then you can control RoboVac via
this app. Refer to the Owner’s Manual for details.
01 02
Quick Start Guide

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Andere handleiding(en) van Eufy T2120 - RoboVac 15C

Eufy T2120 - RoboVac 15C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 94 pagina's

Eufy T2120 - RoboVac 15C Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 18 pagina's

Eufy T2120 - RoboVac 15C Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 94 pagina's

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