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4 Esscom Butler E550 TWIN/TRIPLE
Esscom Butler E550 TWIN/TRIPLE
Safety Instructions
Only use the charger plug supplied. Do not use other chargers, as this may damage the
battery cells.
Only insert rechargeable batteries of the same type. Never use ordinary,
non-rechargeable batteries. Insert rechargeable batteries so they connect to the right
poles (indicated in the battery compartment of the handset).
Do not touch the charger and plug contacts with sharp or metal objects.
The operation of some medical devices may be affected.
The handset may cause an unpleasant buzzing sound in hearing aids.
Do not place the basic unit in a damp room or at a distance of less than 1.5 m away from
a water source. Keep water away from the handset.
Do not use the telephone in environments where there is a risk of explosions.
Dispose of the batteries and maintain the telephone in an environment-friendly manner.
As this telephone cannot be used in case of a power cut, you should use a
mains-independent telephone for emergency calls, e.g. a mobile phone.
This telephone uses rechargeable batteries. You have to dispose of the batteries in an
environment friendly manner according to your country regulations.
Disposal of the device (environment)
At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not throw this product into the
normal household garbage but bring the product to a collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipments. The symbol on the product,
user guide and/or box indicate this.
Some of the product materials can be re-used if you bring them to a recycling
point. By re-using some parts or raw materials from used products you make an important
contribution to the protection of the environment. Please contact your local authorities in case
you need more information on the collection points in your area.
Batteries must be removed before disposing of the device. Dispose of the batteries in an
environmental manner according to your country regulations.
Clean the telephone with a slightly damp cloth or with an anti-static cloth. Never use cleaning
agents or abrasive solvents.
ECO mode (low-radiation)
This cordless telephone (compliant with the DECT standard) facilitates low-radiation
operation. During communication the handset power will be reduced depending on the
distance between handset and base.
This does not mean that normal DECT radiation is harmful to health. The low-radiation mode
prevents unnecessary DECT radiation load.
The base does not reduce the radiation. Put the base on a place where you are not
constantly, for example in the corridor. Avoid child, sleep and living rooms.

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