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An abbreviation for Standard Definition Television that refers to standard television systems which do not satisfy the conditions for HDTV
Definition Television.
An abbreviation for Simple Network Management Protocol, which is the protocol for monitoring and controlling devices such as routers and
computers connected to a TCP/IP Network.
An international standard for color intervals that was formulated so that colors that are reproduced by video equipment can be handled easily by
computer operating systems (OS) and the Internet. If the connected source has an sRGB mode, set both the projector and the connected signal source
to sRGB.
SSID is identification data for connecting to another device on a Wireless LAN. Wireless communication is possible between devices with matching
Subnet mask
(Subnet mask)
This is a numerical value that defines the number of bits used for the Network address on a divided network (subnet) from the IP Address.
A type of video signal with a resolution of 800 (horizontal) ^ 600 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.
A Video signal which has the luminance component and color component separated to provide better image quality.
Refers to images that consist of two independent signals: Y (luminance signal) and C (color signal).
A type of video signal with a resolution of 1,280 (horizontal) ^ 1,024 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.
The signals output from computers have a specific frequency. If the projector frequency does not match this frequency, the resulting images are not of
a good quality. The process of matching the phases of these signals (the relative position of the crests and the troughs in the signal) is called
Synchronization. If the signals are not synchronized, flickering, blurriness, and horizontal interference occur.
The signals output from computers have a specific frequency. If the projector frequency does not match this frequency, the resulting images are not of
a good quality. The process of matching the frequency of these signals (the number of crests in the signal) is called Tracking. If Tracking is not carried
out correctly, wide vertical stripes appear in the signal.
Trap IP Address
This is the IP Address
for the destination computer used for error notification in SNMP.
A type of video signal with a resolution of 640 (horizontal) ^ 480 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.
WPS is an abbreviation of Wi-Fi Protected Setup. Wi-Fi Protected Setup has been devised by the Wi-Fi Alliance as a means of easily setting up and
securing a Wireless LAN.
A type of video signal with a resolution of 1,024 (horizontal) ^ 768 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson eb 450w

Epson eb 450w Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 158 pagina's

Epson eb 450w Installatiehandleiding - English - 21 pagina's

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