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1. Unpack the printer.
2. Attach the printer parts.
3. Connect the printer.
Setting up
Installing the Printer Software
For installing the Photo Print Software, refer to the Photo Print Software
Setup in the online Reference Guide.
For Windows
1. Make sure that the printer is off.
2. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM
If the Installer dialog box does not appear,
double-click SETUP.EXE on the CD-ROM.
3. Select Install Software, and then click .
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. After the
printer software has been installed, the
on-screen instructions continue with the
installation of the ink cartridges.
For Macintosh
Turn off all virus protection programs before you install the printer
For users of Mac OS 8.1 or later (except Mac OS X)
1. Make sure that the printer is off.
2. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the EPSON icon, select Install Software, and then click .
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the printer software.
5. Press the P power button to turn on the printer. The print head moves to
the ink cartridge installation position.
6. Choose Chooser from the Apple menu, and then
select the icon for your printer and the port that
your printer is connected to.
For users of Mac OS X
1. Make sure that the printer is off.
2. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM drive.
3. Double-click the Mac OS X Driver folder, and then double-click the
SP900.pkg icon inside it.
If the Authorization window opens, click the key icon, enter the administrator’s
name and password, click OK, and then click Continue.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the printer software.
5. Press the P power button to turn on the printer. The print head moves to
the ink cartridge installation position.
6. Follow the instruction below to select your printer:
Double-click Macintosh HD. Double-click the Applications folder.
Double-click the Utilities folder. Double-click the Print Center icon. Click
Add Printer. Select EPSON USB. Select your printer. Click Add.
Installing the Ink Cartridges
1. Remove the new ink cartridges from their protective
Do not shake the ink cartridge; this can cause
Do not remove the blue portion of the tape
seal from the top of the cartridges.
Do not remove the tape seals from the bottom of the cartridges.
2. Lower the output tray, and then open the printer
Do not move the print head by hand, as this
may damage the printer.
3. Install the ink cartridges as shown in the illustration
Make sure that the ink cartridge tabs are not under the
tabs protruding from the base of the opened ink
cartridge clamps, as this can damage the clamps.
The printer will not work unless all cartridges are properly
4. Press the H ink button. The printer moves the print
head and begins charging the ink delivery system.
This process takes about one and half minutes.
During the ink charging process, the P power light
flashes and the printer produces a variety of
mechanical sounds. This is normal.
Do not turn the power off during the ink charging process.
Do not load paper until ink charging is complete.
If the ink end error occurs after the print head moves to its home
position, the ink cartridge may not be installed properly. Press the H ink
button again, and reinstall the ink cartridge so that it clicks into place.
In order to produce high quality printouts, the print head in your printer
must be fully charged with ink during the initial setup. This process
consumes ink from the ink cartridges packed with your printer.
Replacement cartridges will last for their full rated life.
5. When the ink charging process is finished, the P power light stops flashing
and remains on.
The contents may vary in certain locations.
The power cord may come
attached in some countries.
Do not touch this part.
Checking the Printer
Loading Paper
Your printer is now ready to use.
See “Printing Basics” in the online Reference Guide for detailed instructions
when printing for the first time.
The online Reference Guide also contains the following information:
Various Printing Options
Printer Software Functions
How To
Problem Solver
Product Information
Safety Instructions
Refer to the online Reference Guide for more details.
Accessing the Online Reference Guide
Follow these steps to access the online Reference Guide.
1. Insert the printer software CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. For Windows, select User Guides in the dialog box, and then click .
For Macintosh, double-click the EPSON icon, select User Guides, and
then click .
In Mac OS X, the dialog box does not appear when the printer software CD is
inserted. To access the online Reference Guide, double-click English\User
Printing on CD/DVD
You can create attractive CD/DVD labels like the sample shown here.
For details on CD/DVD printing, see the online Reference
Printing on Roll Paper
Roll paper printing is fun and enables you to print banners like the sample shown.
For details on roll paper printing, see the online Reference
Problem Solver
Online problem-solving
The EPSONs Technical Support Web site provide you with tips to help solve problems. Access
the Technical Support in the following ways:
For Windows
Click Technical Support in the Status Monitor 3 dialog box or on the Main menu of the printer
For further information on the customer support services available in your area, see the online
Reference Guide.
For users of Mac OS 8.1 or later (except Mac OS X)
1. Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the EPSON icon.
3. Select Technical Support Web Site, and then click .
For further information on the customer support services available in your area, see the online
Reference Guide.
For users of Mac OS X
Access the Web site at:
Error indicators
You can identify many common problems using the lights on the printer’s control
panel. Use the following table of light patterns to diagnose the problem, and then
follow the recommended corrective measures.
O O = on, N = off, k k = flashing
Black ink cartridge T007/Color ink cartridge T009
printable side up
left edge guide
output tray
Lights Problem and solution
O m
Paper out No paper is loaded in the printer.
Load paper in the sheet feeder, and then press the m paper button. The printer resumes printing
and the light goes out.
k m
Paper jam Paper has jammed in the printer.
Press the m paper button to eject the jammed paper. If the error does not clear, open the printer
cover and remove all of the paper inside, including any torn pieces. Then, reload the paper in
the sheet feeder and press the m paper button to resume printing.
k H
Ink low The black or color ink cartridge is nearly empty.
Obtain a replacement black or color ink cartridge. To determine which cartridge is nearly
empty, check the ink levels using EPSON Status Monitor 3 (Windows) or EPSON StatusMonitor
Ink out An ink cartridge is empty or not installed.
Replace the black or color ink cartridge with a new one.
Wrong cartridge The currently installed ink cartridge cannot be used with this
Replace the incompatible cartridge with an appropriate black or color ink cartridge.
Incorrectly installed ink
An ink cartridge is not installed correctly.
If the print head is at the home position, press the H ink button to move the print head to the
ink cartridge replacement position. Remove and reinsert the ink cartridge. Then, continue with
the ink cartridge installation.
If the print head is at the ink cartridge replacement position, remove and reinsert the ink
cartridge. Then, continue with the ink cartridge installation.
k m
k H
Carriage error The print head carriage is obstructed by jammed paper or other
foreign material and cannot return to the home position.
Turn off the printer. Open the printer cover and remove any paper or other obstructions from
the paper path by hand. Then, turn the printer back on.
If the error does not clear, contact your dealer.
k m
k H
Unknown printer error An unknown printer error has occurred.
Turn off the printer and contact your dealer.
Cautions must be observed to
avoid damage to your equipment.
Notes contain important information
and useful tips on the operation of your
Cautions and Notes
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
The information contained herein is designed only for use with this EPSON printer. EPSON is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other printers. Neither SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or
third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with SEIKO
EPSON CORPORATION's operating and maintenance instructions.
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original EPSON Products or EPSON Approved Products by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from electromagnetic interference that occurs from the use of any interface cables other than those designated as EPSON Approved Products by SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. EPSON is a
registered trademark and EPSON Stylus is a trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
Part of the photo data stored on the Printer Software CD-ROM is licensed from Design Exchange Co.,Ltd. Copyright © 2000 Design Exchange Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.

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