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The following optional accessories and consumables are available. Please
purchase these products as and when needed. The following list of
optional accessories and consumables is current as of: 2009.07. Details
of accessories are subject to change without notice and availability may
vary depending on the country of purchase.
Optional accessories
Computer cable ELPKC02
(1.8 m - for mini D-Sub15-pin/mini D-Sub 15pin)
This is the same as the computer cable supplied with the projector.
Computer cable ELPKC09
(3 m - for mini D-Sub15-pin/mini D-Sub 15pin)
Computer cable ELPKC10
(20 m - for mini D-Sub15-pin/mini D-Sub 15pin)
Use one of these longer cables if the computer cable supplied with the
projector is too short.
Component video cable ELPKC19
(3 m - for mini D-Sub 15-pin/RCA male
Use to connect a Component Video
Remote control cable set ELPKC28
(10m 2 piece set)
Use this to guarantee operation from the remote control from a distance.
Wireless mouse receiver ELPST16
Use this to operate a computer's mouse pointer using the projector's remote
control, or to operate page Up/Down while projecting a PowerPoint file.
Wireless LAN unit ELPAP03 (for EB-Z8050W)
Use this to project images from a computer via a wireless LAN.
Long focus zoom lens ELPLL07
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 5.76 to 8.09 b. Approx.
5.83 to 8.18)
Medium focus zoom lens ELPLM07
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 3.85 to 5.88 b. Approx.
3.92 to 5.97)
Medium focus zoom lens ELPLM06
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 2.64 to 4.03 b. Approx.
2.68 to 4.10)
Standard focus zoom lens ELPLS04
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 1.71 to 2.78 b. Approx.
1.74 to 2.82)
Short focus wide lens ELPLW04
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 1.29 to 1.77 b. Approx.
1.31 to 1.80)
Wide lens for rear projection ELPLR04
(Projection distance ratio: a. Approx. 0.76 b. Approx. 0.77)
a: EB-Z8050W b: EB-Z8000WU
Projection distance ratio = projection distance/projection screen width
The values are installation standards. They are subject to change depending
on projection conditions.
Low ceiling mount
High ceiling mount
Use when installing the projector on a ceiling.
* A special method of installation is required to suspend the projector from
a ceiling. Contact your dealer or the nearest address provided in the
Support and Service Guide if you want to use this installation method.
s Epson Projector Contact List
Optional Accessories and Consumables

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