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Status Cause Remedy or Status
If it is cracked: Replace it with a new lamp, or contact your local dealer for further advice. If replacing the lamp yourself,
be careful to avoid pieces of broken glass (you cannot continue projecting until the lamp is replaced). s Epson Projector
Contact List
When using at an altitude of 1500 m or more, set High Altitude Mode to On. s p.49
Set Direction to Pointing Down or Pointing Up when the projector is installed to project downward or upward. s p.49
Filter Airflow Error Check the following two points.
Check that the air filter and air exhaust vent are clear, and that the projector is not positioned against a wall.
If the air filter is clogged, clean or replace it. s p.85, p.92
If the error continues after checking the points above, stop using the projector, disconnect the power cable from the
electrical outlet, and contact your local dealer or the nearest address provided in the Support and Service Guide.
s Epson Projector Contact List
Auto Iris Error
Cinema filter error
Shutter Error
Power Err. (Ballast)
Stop using the projector, disconnect the power cable from the electrical outlet, and contact your local dealer or the nearest
address provided in the Support and Service Guide. s Epson Projector Contact List
Indicator is flashing or lit
: Lit : Flashing : Off : Varies according to the projector status
Status Cause Remedy or Status
High Temp Warning (This is not an abnormality. However, if the temperature rises too high again, projection stops automatically.)
Check that the air filter and air exhaust vent are clear, and that the projector is not positioned against a wall.
If the air filter is clogged, clean or replace it. s p.85, p.92
Replace Lamp The lamp indicated by flashing indicator, lamp 1 or 2, is due for replacement. Replace it with a new lamp. s p.89
If you continue to use the lamp after the replacement period has passed, the possibility that the lamp may explode
increases. Replace it with a new lamp as soon as possible.
We recommend replacing both lamps together to maintain consistent hue and brightness of projected images.
Lamp Warning
Supply System Warn-
ing (Ballast)
Check the following two points.
Remove the lamp indicated by the flashing indicator, lamp 1 or 2, and check if it is cracked. s p.89
Clean the air filter. s p.85
Problem Solving

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