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Solving Network Problems
microwave. Move the interfering device farther away or expand your
wireless bandwidth.
• Reduce the number of connected devices if the connection speed declines.
Solutions When You Cannot Read the NFC Tag
If you are unable to read the NFC tag on your mobile device, try the following
solutions (EB1795F/EB1785W/EB1781W):
• Make sure the Android device is not in sleep mode and that it is not locked.
• Activate the NFC reader on your mobile device.
• Adjust the position of the mobile device so that the NFC reader on the
device is over the center of the NFC tag on the projector.
Solutions When You Cannot Connect Using Screen
If you are unable to connect to the projector using Screen Mirroring, try the
following solutions (EB1795F/EB1785W):
• Check the projector's settings.
• Select On as the Screen Mirroring setting in the projector's Network
• Select Off as the Screen Mirroring setting in the projector's Network
menu, and select On again.
• Change the Operation Mode setting and connect again.
s Network > Screen Mirroring Settings > Operation Mode
• Make sure that the no other devices are connected to the projector with
No Interruptions settings.
s Network > Screen Mirroring Settings > Extended > Meeting Mode
• Change the Channel setting according to the wireless LAN environment.
s Network > Screen Mirroring Settings > Extended > Channel
• Check the mobile device's settings.
• Make sure the settings on the mobile device are correct.
• When connecting again immediately after disconnecting, it may take
some time until the connection is established. Reconnect after waiting for
a while.
• Restart the mobile device.
• Once you have connected using Screen Mirroring, the projector
connection information may be recorded on the mobile device. However,
you may not be able to reconnect to the projector from the recorded
information. Select the projector from the list of available devices.
gg Related Links
• "Projector Network Settings - Network Menu" p.125
• "Network Menu - Screen Mirroring Settings" p.126
Solutions When the Image or Sound Contains Static
During Screen Mirroring Connection
If the projected image or sound contains static when connecting using Screen
Mirroring, try the following solutions (EB1795F/EB1785W):
• Avoid covering the Wi-Fi antenna of the mobile device.
• If you use a Screen Mirroring connection and an internet connection at the
same time, the image may stop or contain noise. Disconnect the internet
connection to expand your wireless bandwidth and improve the connection
speed of the mobile device.
• Make sure the projection contents meet the Screen Mirroring requirements.
• Depending on the settings of the mobile device, the connection may be lost
when the device enters power saving mode. Check the electrical power
saving settings on the mobile device.
• Update to the latest version of the wireless driver or firmware on the mobile
gg Related Links
• "Wireless Network Projection from a Mobile Device (Screen Mirroring)"

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson EB-1781W

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 188 pagina's

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 192 pagina's

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