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Projector Setup Settings - ECO Menu
Settings on the ECO menu let you customize projector functions to save
When you select a power-saving setting, a leaf icon appears next to the menu
Setting Options Description
Selects the brightness mode of the
projector lamp. You cannot select
settings when you use your projector at
high altitude or in locations subject to
high temperatures.
Normal Normal: sets maximum lamp brightness.
ECO ECO: reduces lamp brightness and fan
noise, and saves power and lamp life.
Setting Options Description
Light Optimizer On
When set to On, the lamp brightness is
adjusted according to the projected
image. This helps to reduce the power
consumption by lowering the lamp
brightness according to the scene being
The setting is stored for each Color
This item is enabled when:
Power Consumption is set to Normal
or Auto.
Auto Iris is set to Off.
s Image > Auto Iris
Sleep Mode On
Automatically turns off the projector
after an interval of inactivity (when On).
Sleep Mode Timer 1 to 30 minutes Sets the interval for Sleep Mode.
Lens Cover Timer On
Automatically turns off the projector
after 30 minutes if the lens cover is
closed (when On).
A/V Mute Timer On
Automatically turns off the projector
after 30 minutes if A/V Mute is enabled
(when On).
ECO Display On
Displays a leaf icon in the bottom left
corner of the projected screen to indicate
the power-saving status when the lamp
brightness changes (when On).
Reset Resets all adjustment values on the ECO
menu to their default settings.
When the Sleep Mode Timer setting is enabled, the lamp dims for a
short time before the timer limit is reached and the projector turns
When the Lens Cover Timer or A/V Mute Timer settings are
enabled, the lamp uses less power when the lens cover is closed or
A/V Mute is activated.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson EB-1781W

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 188 pagina's

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 192 pagina's

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