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Projector Placement
You can place the projector on almost any flat surface to project an image.
You can also install the projector in a ceiling mount if you want to use it in a
fixed location. An optional ceiling mount is required when suspending the
projector from a ceiling.
Note the following points when selecting a projector location:
• Place the projector on a sturdy, level surface or install it using a compatible
• Leave plenty of space around and under the projector for ventilation, and
do not place it on top of or next to anything that could block the vents.
• Position the projector within reach of a grounded electrical outlet or
extension cord.
• Place the projector parallel to the screen.
If you cannot install the projector parallel to the screen, correct
keystone distortion using the projector controls.
You must install a ceiling mount when suspending the projector from a ceiling.
If you do not install the projector correctly, it could fall and cause damage or
Do not use adhesives on the ceiling mount fixing points to prevent the screws
from loosening, or use lubricants, oils, or similar substances on the projector; the
projector case may crack causing it to fall from its ceiling mount. This could
cause serious injury to anyone under the ceiling mount and could damage the
Do not cover the projector's air intake or air exhaust vents. If the vents are
covered, the internal temperature could rise and cause a fire.
Do not install the projector on an unstable surface or in a location beyond the
weight specifications of the projector. Otherwise, it could fall or topple causing
an accident and injury.
When installing the projector in a high position, take measures to prevent falling
by using wires to ensure safety in an emergency, such as an earthquake, and to
prevent accidents. If it is not installed correctly, it could fall causing an accident
and injury.
Do not operate the projector on its side. This may cause the projector to
If you are using the projector at altitudes above 1500 m, set the High Altitude
Mode setting to On in the projector's Extended menu to ensure the projector's
internal temperature is regulated properly.
s Extended > Operation > High Altitude Mode
Try not to setup the projector in locations subject to high humidity and dust, or
in locations subject to smoke from fires or tobacco smoke.
gg Related Links
• "Projector Setup and Installation Options" p.19
• "Projection Distance" p.19
• "Image Shape" p.41
• "Projector Setup Settings - Extended Menu" p.123

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Andere handleiding(en) van Epson EB-1781W

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 188 pagina's

Epson EB-1781W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 192 pagina's

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