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SMS (Short Message Service) is a short text message,
up to 160 characters in length. Costs are only incurred when
sending, not receiving SMS.
Writing text: Enter menu with _ enter New SMS oder New
multimedia message (MMS), if you want to send pictures
with .
Choose Write message with . Entering text with the
keypad. Every key represents several signs, depending on
how often you press the key.
(e.g. 2x , 2x , 3x , 3x , 3x for hello)
. , ! ? ‘ “ @ : 1
a b c 2 ä æ å à
d e f 3 è è ê
g h i 4 ì í î ï
j k l 5 £
m n o 6 ö ø ó
p q r s 7 ß $
t u v 8 ü ù ú
w x y z 9 ý þ
Space; 0
special character: , . ? ; : ! “ ’
@ _ ~ & + - ( ) < > { } [ ] ...
Use the key, to Choose from 4 Writing Styles:
¡ abc _ lower case
¡ ABC _ upper case
¡ Abc _ Upper and lower
¡ 123 _ numbers
Sending SMS: After typing the text, press 2x Send.
Enter the number or choose from phonebook
( , scroll to the contact and select with ).
Press again to send the message.
Receiving an SMS: A short signal and a display-promp
inform you about a new, incoming SMS message.
Whit you ou can read the message now or
enter the SMS-Menu _ Received SMS to acess
the list of receiveed messages.
Save names and numbers (always includ the area code,
e. g. +44 for UK)
Enter Phonebook with
Save a contact (name & number):
Enter menu with
_ Enter Phonebook with ,
_ choose Add new contact with
decide whether the entry should be saved to SIM or Phone.
_ enter name with the keypad
(See Text message-chapter for writing text)
_ _enter number
_ Save with
Search a Phonebook entry:
Enter menu with
_ Enter Phonebook with ,
_ enter the initial letters of the searched name (may
continue to scroll with
_ When the requested name is shown, select Options with
for Call, Send SMS,Send MMS, View, Edit, Delete this,
Delete several, Delete all contacts, Copy, Copy all,
Phonebook settings.
DISPLAY SYMBOLS Signal strength
Battery indicator
Missed call
Call forwarding
New text
Alarm on
Radio activ
Profile: Silent (mute)
Profile: Meeting
Profile: outdoor
Standby mode:
In standby mode the phone is turned on, but no active
applications (calling, messaging, …) are running
¡ In menu press the -key or -key to select the shown
option on the screen right above the keys.
¡ After a few seconds without input, the display is switched off
to save power. By an incoming call or pressing any key, the
screen turns on again automatically.
¡ To return to the standby screen from any application you are
in, press the -key repeatedly or press and hold the -key
until the standby screen appears.
Keylock: Your mobile phone supports an automatically key
lock to avoid activating any functions, f.i., when your mobile
phone is in your pocket.
Enter menu with _Settings _ Phone settings _ Auto
keypad lock _ define 5 sec., 30 sec., 1 min and 5 min or
to disable key lock, open the phone "or press by fingertip
the and then the on the display. To lock the phone, close
phone or tap the screen .
Security settings: Edit the PIN code or to Activate/Deactivate
the PIN code query or the Phonecode (default: 4321).
Press and hold the -key for 2 seconds to switch on the
phone. To turn off , press and hold 2 seconds again.
When using a new SIM card, enter the 4 digit PIN Code
(Personal Identification Number) and confirm with .
Note: The PIN-Code is a 4-digit number combination
preventing others from switching on your mobile phone.
Incoming call:
¡ Pick up: press the -key
¡ Reject: press the -key
End a call: press the -key
Enter the phone number with the keypad (including area
code with 0) _ start call with .
Call log:
Enter the Call log by press the -key. _ Select a number
with or from a redail list (Missed calls, Dialed
numbers or Received calls). Start the call with .
Press during a call, to enable or disable the handsfree
Enter the menu: Press the -key in standby mode
Scroll through menu: Use and/or : on top of the screen
the currently marked menu item is mentioned.
Choose/confirm: with
Note: You can Select / activate the menu items by touching
the corresponding symbol on the screen with your
Arrow keys
¡ Scroll through phone book and menus
¡ In standby access the menu with
¡ In standby access Phonebook with
¡ Hearing Radio: or for channel
End Call/Back/Delete key
¡ During a call: end call
¡ In menu: one step back
¡ When entering numbers or text: delete
¡ To switch on or off : press and hold for
2 seconds
Pound key
¡ Press and hold: enable/disable mute
¡ When writing: Switch from upper to
lower case or numbers
¡ press twice: activate shortcut function
Open / close device
Push the upper part of the phone up
Make or receive a call/OK key
¡ Make or receive a call
¡ In menu: select
¡ In standby: access to Call list
¡ (dialled, received, missed calls)
- key / Voicemail key
Press and hold: connect to your voicemail
Star key
¡ 2x short press: + (for country codes,
i.e. +44 for UK)
¡ When writing: special symbols ( ? ! ‚ ( )
@ - + $ € etc)
- key
When writing (SMS, phone book):
insert a space
To switch on/off the flashlight
Camera - key
¡ Press to turn on the camera
Volume adjustment &
¡ Change the receiver volume
¡ If telephone rings: press
to turn off the ringer
(it will ring again for the next call)
Emergency button
¡ Press to start
emergency call process

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Andere handleiding(en) van Emporia TELME TS 100

Emporia TELME TS 100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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