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D Battery disposal: Rechargeable and ordinary batteries are not to be placed
in household rubbish! As a consumer you are legally obliged to return used
rechargeable and normal batteries. You can do this at your local authority’s
collection site or at a specialist shop.
D Disposal of your device: If your product can no longer be used do not throw
it into the household rubbish. For environmental reasons, take it to a refuse
collection or recycling point where old appliances are accepted and
procured for environmentally compatible utilisation.
D Disposal of packaging: Packaging and packaging accessories
are able to be recycled and shall be categorically procured for
q A call failed:
Check the number dialed and the area code again for your own verifica-
Did you also dial the area code when making a local call?
q The display on the mobile phone is empty (Screen switched off):
The telephone is in economy mode and switches off the display (calls can be
ceived), press
– the display switches back on again. Alternatively, the
telephone is switched off (
move the slider upwards to switch it on).
q Telephoning abroad:
If you are outside of the regional network of your network operator, your
obile phone automatically chooses another network. For use abroad,
many phone cards have to be activated once only by the regional network
operator before journeys outside of the country, please contact your net-
work operator.
q How often do batteries need recharging?
Do not charge the battery after each phone call. This leads to a reduced
tery capacity through long term rather than intelligent use of electro-
nics. In order to keep the battery “fit, completely discharge it at least once
per month. If the mobile phone is not used for longer than one month, the
battery should be taken out of the telephone.
emporiaLIFEplus_UserGuide_ENG_V135 35emporiaLIFEplus_UserGuide_ENG_V135 35 26.05.2008 15:12:34 Uhr26.05.2008 15:12:34 Uhr

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