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Press the power button of the Cuisinart
Espresso Maker to turn the machine on. The
lights around the power, manual, single
double espresso buttons will illuminate
and when they stop blinking, the machine has
been warmed and is ready to use.
Place the two-cup filter basket in the
portafilter holder. Spoon 2 scoops of the
espresso grounds into the basket. Using the
tamping tool, press down the grounds with
moderate pressure and clean any excess from
the rim. Secure the portafilter holder in place.
Program the espresso maker to brew 8
ounces of espresso. Place a glass underneath
the brew head and press the
Espresso will begin to brew and will stop
when 8 ounces have been brewed. Repeat
process to brew 8 more ounces. Stir sugar
into combined espresso
to dissolve.
Pour the espresso mixture in a bowl. Cool to
room temperature. Cover with plastic wrap
and place in freezer. Every hour, for about
5 hours in total, scrape the mixture with a fork
to allow crystals to form.
To serve, layer equal amounts of granita and
whipped cream in a parfait glass. Garnish
with shaved chocolate, if desired.
Makes 2 servings
2 measured scoops finely ground
espresso or 2 espresso pods
2 scoops vanilla ice cream
Press the power button of the Cuisinart
Espresso Maker to turn the machine on. The
lights around the power, manual, single
double espresso buttons will illuminate
and when they stop blinking, the machine has
been warmed and is ready to use.
Place the two-cup filter basket in the
portafilter holder. Spoon the espresso grounds
into the basket. Using the tamping tool, lightly
press down on the grounds and clean any
excess from the rim. Secure the portafilter
holder in place.
Place two demitasse cups underneath the
brew head and press the
espresso button. Espresso will begin to brew
and will stop when 3 ounces have been
Place one scoop of ice cream in each of two
individual dishes. Pour one espresso over
each scoop of ice cream.
Espresso Gelato
Makes 4½ cups
2 measured scoops finely ground
espresso or 2 espresso pods
3 cups whole milk
2 cups espresso beans
1 cup brewed espresso
10 large egg yolks
1 cup granulated sugar
pinch of salt
Press the power button of the Cuisinart
Espresso Maker to turn the machine on. The
lights around the power, manual, single
double espresso buttons will illuminate
and when they stop blinking, the machine has
been warmed and is ready to use.
Place the two-cup filter basket in the
portafilter holder. Spoon the espresso grounds
into the basket. Using the tamping tool, press
down the grounds with moderate pressure
and clean any excess from the rim. Secure
the portafilter holder in place.
Program the espresso maker to brew 8
ounces of espresso. Place a cup underneath
the brew head and press the
Espresso will begin to brew and will stop
when 8 ounces have been brewed. Reserve.
Pour milk into a medium sized, heavy-
bottomed saucepan. Over medium-low heat,
gradually bring the milk to a boil. Turn the
burner off and stir in the espresso beans. Let
steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain; discard

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