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Pagina verder
1. The needle thread is not threaded properly.
2. The needle thread tension is too tight.
3. The needle is bent or blunt.
4. The needle is incorrectly inserted.
5. The needle thread and the bobbin thread are not set under the
presser foot when start sewing.
6. The threads were not drawn to the rear after sewing.
7. The fabric is moved too fast when stitching free motion quilting.
8. The thread is tangled around the spool.
1. The bobbin thread is not threaded properly in the bobbin holder.
2. Lint has collected in the bobbin holder.
3. The bobbin is damaged and does not turn smoothly.
1. The needle is incorrectly inserted.
2. The needle clamp screw is loose.
3. The fabric is pulled forward when using the open-toe foot.
4. The needle is too fine for the fabric being used.
5. An inappropriate presser foot is used.
1. The needle is incorrectly inserted, bent or blunt.
2. The needle and/or threads are not suitable for the work being sewn.
3. A stretch stitch needle is not being used for sewing stretch, very fine
fabrics and synthetics.
4. The needle thread is not threaded properly.
5. A poor quality needle is used.
1. The needle thread tension is too tight.
2. The needle thread is not threaded properly.
3. The needle is too heavy for the fabric being sewn.
4. The stitch length is too long for the fabric.
5. The foot pressure is not adjusted properly.
6. A stabilizer is not used when sewing very fine fabrics.
1. The feed dog is packed with lint.
2. The stitches are too fine.
3. The feed dog is not raised after ”drop feed” sewing.
1. The needle thread tension is too loose.
2. The needle is too thick or too fine for the fabric.
1. The machine is not plugged in or foot control is not connected.
2. Thread has been caught in the hook race.
3. The presser foot is not lowered.
1. The stitch density is not suitable for the fabric being sewn.
2. The interfacing has not been used for the stretch or synthetic fabric.
3. The buttonhole lever is not lowered.
1. Thread has been caught in the hook race.
2. Lint has built up in the hook race or bobbin holder.
1. The foot pressure is not suitable for fabrics being sewn.
1. The presser foot is raised before auto thread cutting is complete.
2. Threads have been caught in the thread cutter mechanism.
The needle thread
The bobbin thread
The needle breaks
Skipped stitches
Seam puckering
The cloth is not
feeding smoothly
Loops on the
The machine does
not work
Buttonhole sewing
is not sewn
The machine is
Layers shift
Thread cutter LED
Page 35
Page 28
Page 30
Page 30
Page 38
Page 38
Page 76
Use the spool holder.
Page 34
Page 100
Change the bobbin.
Page 30
Page 30
Page 76
Page 30
Use the correct foot.
Page 30
Page 30
Use the stretch stitch
Page 35
Change the needle.
Page 28
Page 35
Page 30
Make stitch shorter.
Page 22
Apply a stabilizer.
Page 100
Make stitch longer.
Page 22
Page 28
Page 30
Page 10
Page 100
Page 23
Pages 56, 58
Apply an interfacing.
Page 53
Page 100
It is not abnormal for a faint humming sound to be heard from the internal motors.
The LCD screen and function key area may become warm after several hours of continuous use.
Page 100
Page 22
Lower the presser
foot and press the
thread cutter button.
Page 100

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